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T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
May, 1941
on the shores of Galilee mending fish nets. In the background is his ship, and around him are his fishermen com panions who later with him forsook their nets and became fishers of men.' John the Baptist kindled the flame of love for Christ in the heart of John the apostle when he said to him, “Behold the Lamb of God!’’ (John 1:35). This proper introduction to the Lord Jesus gave John the keynote for his life of service. Throughout his writings, and in every account which we read of him, he exalted Christ not primarily as a teacher or reformer, but as the Lamb of God who died as a sacrifice to take away the sins of the world. It was because of his passionate de votion to the Lord Jesus and his self- obliterating service for Him that John was called the “beloved disciple.” Jesus gave His mother, Mary, into the keep ing of this disciple who had stayed close to Him during His ministry and who was willing to bear His reproach and ignominy at the time of His trial and crucifixion. From a heart of experience, John writes later in his first epistle, “That which we have seen and heard declare we unto you. . . . God is light, and in him is no darkness at all”' (1 John 1:3, 5). He had seen the radiant mani festation Of God in the life of Jesus Christ, the Light which illumined his life, even penetrating the darkness, of his lonely exile on the Isle of Patmos. The Book of Revelation . is a final triumphant testimony to the identifica tion of John with Christ. For the Leader I. T he C ross W hich J ohn S aw 1. “Bearing His cross” (John 19:17): Christ bearing the sins of the world. 2. Upon the cross (John 19:18): Christ atoning for the sins of the world. 3. Above the cross (John. 19:19): A title setting forth Christ’s humanity (“Jesus of Nazareth”) and His Mes sianic deity (“ICing of the Jews”). 4. Beside the cross (John 19:23, 24): The heartless soldiers fulfill prophecy as they gamble for the Saviour’s garments. 5. “By the cross” (John 19:25, 28): Loving, courageous friends who stood by. 6. Down from the cross (John 19:38): They took down the body of the Lord Jesus to lay it in a new sepulcher from whence He arose victorious over sin and death. 7. “Beneath the cross of Jesus, I fain would take my stand”: a. Preaching the cross (1 Cor. 1:18). b. Glorying in the cross (Gal. 6:14). c. Enemies of the cross (Phil. 3:18). d. Peace by the cross (Col. 1:20). e. Forgiveness through the cross (Col. 2:14). —Milo F. Jamison.
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John didn’t always understand his Master. Sometimes he misunderstood. But . .. . that fiery nature of his, that early won for him the stormy name “son of thunder,” came completely under the sway of this holier, tenderer, stronger flame, and burned! itself out in a passion of love for Jesus.—Quiet Talks on John’s Gospel, by S. D. Gordon. JUNE 15, 1941 PAUL, THE ZEALOUS A cts 9 :1 -8 ; P h il ip p ia n s 3 :8 , 9 By William W. Orr Introduction It was Paul, then called Saul, who was commissioned by the risen Lord as His personal ambassador to the Gentiles. It was Paul who first "invaded” Eu rope with the gospel of Christ. It was Paul who penned those divinely in spired letters which form so large a part of the basis of our hope and doc trine. The personal benefits from a study of the life and teachings of the great apos tle include these: real growth in grace and in thè knowledge of Christ; a firmer, deeper understanding of the important underlying doctrines upon which prac tically all the Protestant churches are founded, and a study of an unequaled example in missionary endeavor and in personal living. You will do well to spend much time with Paul. For Those Who Have Topics I. THE FOUNDATION OF PAUL’S ZEAL. ■ 1. Too often‘today zeal is misguided. Many people are busy working feverish ly for things of secondary importance. Some of their, activities are commend able, to be sure, and bring help and alleviation of suffering. But Paul was interested only in the one thing of para mount importance, the preaching of the gospel of Christ (1 Cor. 1:17-24; Gal. 6:14; 1 Cor. 2:2). 2. Paul’s zeal was anchored in the greatest happening in the world, the crucifixion of God’s Son. For it was at the cross that forgiveness and pardon were obtained for all who would be lieve in Jesus Christ as Saviour (Rom. 6:23; 2 Cor. 5:20, 21; Gal. 2:20). II. THE COST OF PAUL’S ZEAL, 1. Do not think for a minute that the whole world flocked to hear Paul and was subsequently converted. The devil warred mightily against the great apos tle. Remember Paul’s life in the Book of Acts. Read it from his own pen in 2 Corinthians 11:23-28; cf. 2 Timothy 4:17, 18. 2. The world is no less opposed to the gospel today. But let us press on, not
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