May, 1941
T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S '
3. That more torches may be-lighted (Matt. 28:19; 2 Tim. 2:2). II. THE PRIVILEGE OF BEARING A TORCH. 1. Torchbearers are chosen by God (John 15:16,19; Matt. 20:16; 22:14; 1 Cor. 1:27,28). 2. The light will never go out (John 8:12; 1:9; 1 John 2:8; Heb. 13:8). ! The one who bears the torch of Jesus Christ may do so in confidence that he will never be confounded by the diminu tion or extinction of his Light. 3. The service is an essential one (Rom. 10:13-15; Acts 4:12). During the progress of our country’s defense preparations, we have heard much a b o u t “essential industries.” Charles Haddon Spurgeon once said to a young man, "My son, if God has called you to be a missionary, your heavenly Father would be grieved to have you shrivel down into a king.” A m. THE PRICE OF BEARING A TORCH. 1. Unfavorable publicity (Lk. 6:26; Matt. 5:10-12). 2. Responsibility (1 Cor.. 9:27; Rom. 14:21). The torchbearer must walk circum spectly lest he should stumble and cause others to lose the way. 3. Sacrifice (Lk. 14:26,27,33). The torch must sometimes be carried into needy places which are far from friends, loved ones, and the comfort and security of home. It is for our Master to say where the torch must be borne. ' For the Leader 1. Poem which may be quoted in closing: “One small life in God’s great plan— How futile it seems as the ages roll, Do what it may, or strive how it can, To alter the sweep of the infinite whole! A single stitch in an endless web, A drop in the ocean’s flow and ebb! But the pattern is rent where the stitch is lost, Or m a r r e d , where the tangled threads have crossed; And each life that fails of its true intent
~ m . T r iu m p h a n t E pit a ph s
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It has beerl said that the lives of the early Christians consisted of “persecu tion above ground and prayer below ground.” In the catacombs below the city of Rome, which were excavations that served as tombs and temples, evi dences of great suffering for His name’s sake have been revealed. When the Christian graves were opened, skeletons told their own terrible tale. Heads were found severed from bodies, ribs and shoulder blades were broken, bones cal cined from fire. But despite the awful story of persecution that may be read there, the inscriptions breathe forth peace and joy and triumph. Here are two epitaphs: “Victorious in peace and in Christ” and “Being called away, he went in peace.”—Selected. JUNE 29, 1941 WE, TOO, ARE TORCH- BEARERS M a tth ew 28:16-20; H ebrews 12:1,2 By Adelaide W. Locjier Introduction In one important respect, at least, a torch differs notably from other lights. Like a candle, a lantern, or any other type of luminary, a. t o r c h makes a greater impression upon an area which is in darkness than it . could give if it were to be carried into a place al ready light. More particularly, however, the torch belongs almost solely to the realm of outdoor illumination. The light which emanates from a torch is not only bright, but it is most satisfactory where there is some sort of wind, to blow away the smoke characteristic of burn ing pitch, and to fan the flame into greater brilliance. Whereas a candle or a lantern must be shielded from the wind, and an electric light is not affected one way or the other, a torch actually reaches its peak of efficiency when it is used in a strong breeze, or even in a powerful gale. God needs -torchbearers whose lights cannot be extinguished in the winds of life’s tribulations. Wood s u i t a b l e for use in making torches must contain pitch or some other resin. Otherwise, it must be soaked in some inflammable substance to augment its capacity for brilliant and rapid com bustion. A life which can be used of God to diffuse light effectively in dark ened. places must be filled with the Spirit of God, aptly typified by the oil used to anoint the priests of the Old Testament (Lev. 8:30). For Those Who Have Topics I. THE PURPOSE OF BEARING A TORCH. 1. That we may be known as the redeemed ones of God, as children of light (Psa. 107:2; Matt. 5:16). 2. That others may see the way (Psa. 119:105; Acts 1:8).
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