King's Business - 1941-05


. T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

Hay, 1941

DAILY Devotional Readings' WILLARD HOTEL Is located in

wing, of the Bible Insti­ tute building, next ¿Qi$he Public Library park, ad­ joining the Church of the Open Door. It is operated as a first class, temper­ ance hotel, surrounded by a Christian environ­ ment that assures a safe, comfortable and exclu­ sive place to stop. 13 stories of fireproof con­ struction. Rates:

1. The Easiest Yoke “Ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light” (Matt. 11:29, 30). If we find there is something we need to do in the matter of victory, or find that victory is becoming hard, a matter of effort or struggle, we are on the wrong track—we are not on God’s basis . . . The moment our life becomes a mat­ ter of effort in having victory over sin, we are looking the wrong way. The Lord says, “My yoke is easy,” and. it is the easiest yoke in the world. —Charles G. Trumbull. 2. Living in His Presence “Without me ye can do nothing” (John 15:5)-. We may not always be sensible of the revealed presence of Jesus; we may be occupied with many things of necessary duty. But as soon as the heart is dis­ engaged, it will become aware that He has been standing near all the while, and there will be a bright flash ofrecog- nition and a repetition of the psalmist’s cry, “Thou art near, O Lord.” Ah, life of bliss, lived under the thought of His presence!—F. B. Meyer. 3. Nothing but Good “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, ter them who are the called according to his purpose” (Rom. 8:28). CJirist is the Arbiter of all events; in everything His sway is supreme; and He exercises His power for the good of His church. He spins the thread of events . . . and does not suffer- those threads to be woven otherwise than ac­ cording to the pattern of His loving wis­ dom. He will not allow the mysterious wheel to revolve in any way which shall not bring good unto His chosen. . . . As all things are working for His glory, so all things are working for their gbod. —Charles Haddon Spurgeon. 4. Looking on His Face “We all, . . . beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image” (2 Cor.- 3:18). Look on His face, so shall His light divine On thee in radiancy and beauty shine. Walk in His steps; the path that Jesus trod Shall lead thee safely on to heaven and God. List to His voice, and thou shalt ever hear

His words of comfort, peace, thine heart to cheer. Put thou thy hand in His, and thou shalt see How strong, how firm, His hold on thee will be. —C. A. Stone. 5. Abundance of Life “I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abun­ dantly” (John 10:10). The Apostle John can never get away from the fact that in the fullness of time God sent His Son. May we realize that He does reward those that diligently seek Him, that hungry though we come, we need not go empty away, and that thirsty though we be, He has draughts of water that can satisfy the soul! So shall we go from faith to faith, from surrender to surrender, from joy" to. joy, and Victory to victory. —Harrington C. Lees. 6. Opening Heavens “I see the heavens opened, and the Son of man standing on the right hand of God” (Acts 7:56). Was he [Stephen] not in extremity? If you are faithful witnesses, you can­ not hope to escape the stones. That Is the last resource of the enemy. If- he cannot refute you, he has a much shorter method; he will stone you. Oh, if you had but known it, when earth seemed to be closing upon you, heaven was about to open, and you would have learned more of Christ In that hour than in many days of ease! —E. W. Moore.. He Knows It “Thou knowest my downsitting and mine uprising; thou understandest iny thought afar off” (Psa. 139:2). Careless Christian, know that the darkness of your careless ways does not hide you from God. . . . He sees your prayerlessness and your neglect of His Word. He knows what you are ’in the dark and reads all your hidden motives. You used to love Him well, but now you have strayed from His ways, and no longer enjoy His presence. Beware, careless Christian, the darkness hideth not from God.—George M. Blackett. 8. Neglecting Isaac for God “By faith Abraham, when he was tried, offered up Isaac: . . . Of whom It was said, That in Isaac shall thy seed be called” (Heb. 11:17, 18). Isaac had never been so predoui to

Room with private bath $30 to $50 month Room with detached bath $17 to $25 month F. B. HARRISON, 31gr. 536-540 So, Hope St. Los Angeles, Calif.

2 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 TEWS gathered in New York make the largest Jewish mission field in the world. The New York Jewish Evan­ gelization Society, Inc. founded in 1908 by the sainted DR. THOMAS M. CHALMERS, is striving zealous­ ly to reach them. Its manifold min­ istry includes the care of Hebrew- Christian refugees from Europe. This faith work is dependent upon your cooperation by gift and prayer. Subscribe for our monthly “JEW­ ISH MISSIONARY MAGAZINE,” $1.00 per annum. Sample copy 10c. Write REV. FREDERICK A. ASTON, Director New York Jewish Evangelization Society 56 Second Ave. New York, JS. Y. V A I I I C | R eturn th is ad w ith your film negative and receive a beautiful H i-G loss finish professional 5x7, enlargem ent for only 5c. Nordskog Studios, Box 31, Maywood,111. rn rr T° any evangelical f n u ll CHRISTIAN MINISTER Sunday School or Missionary Superintendent, one copy of "TAKE NO THOUGHT” for each family in his congregation providing he will agree to give a talk on Tithing before distribution. Write stating denomination and number of leaflets desired to TITHER, 721K Title Insurance Bldg., Los Angeles, Calif. RILEY-MOORE ENGRAVING CO. Cuts for AH Purposes • Half Tones • Line Etchings • Electrotypes • Designs- Mail Inquiries Solicited 397 S. Los Angeles St. VAndike 8937 Los Angeles, Calif. GOSPEL TENTS CANVAS TABERNACLES METAL SEAT ENDS SMITH MFG. CO., JO ALTOS, (¿A. 40 Years in Business Money Makins Opportunity Popular household paper' products, reasonably’ priced, sell quickly, make good profits and repeat. - Samples of 10j? Handy-W acks W aved Paper and. many other fast selling articles— F R E E .. W rite.— HANDY W ACKS CORPORATION^ V |jfr V , SPA R1A y AAlQ-UGAN i

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