TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
May, 1941
Systematic Daily Vacation Bible Course for Bible Schools by Alveretta Bowman A Bible-centered «course, proved by experience; used in hundreds of schools. Expertly prepared daily programs; provides for 10 grades, but suited for any size school. THREE V.OLUMKS; Beginner & Primary; .Junior; Intermediate—$1.50 vol. Handwork 15c set. Write Now for a Set for Examination No Obligation on Vour Part Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. 234 Pearl St. Grand Rapids, Mich. WANT MORE MONEY Show the Newest "Sunshine Line” Greeting Cards for Birthday, Mother’s Day, Convalescent, Sympathy, etc., with and without Scripture texts. De Luxe $1.00 and 50- cent box assortments. Also beautiful "Sunshine" Krystal Plaques, Bibles, etc. Every home a prospect. Get money making illustrated catalog. Write to the nearer office. TRIUMPHANT ART PUBLISHERS i Dept. .No. T-4 Anderson, Indiene or Sacramento, California ] B l D I C C PROM 40c TO I D L E S TEN DOLLARS | We carry In stock, o r can obtain "for you any Religious o r [Temperance book published. Also headquarters for Church and Sunday School supplies. L argest sto ck , in the W est. W rite, call or phone 'M U tu al 3820. RELIGIOUS BOOK SHOP 352 No. Spring 8 t. Los- Angeles IF Ì/O U
economy. Don’t spend everything. Keep something in hand for emergencies, but, “then hadst thou smitten Syria till thou hadst consumed it.” God wants you to empty your quiver. Let Him have all the arrows. Keep nothing back. —John MacBeath. 12. The Land of Uprightness “Teach me to do, thy will; for thou art my God: thy spirit'is good; lead me into the land of uprightness*’ (Psa. 143:10). What a difference from the Moham medan’s prayer! He, too, asks that God would lead him to a destined land. But the resemblance ends there. The Mo hammedan wants to be taught God’s will because it is destiny, the psalmist because it is good. To the psalmist, God’s will is not an arbitrary thing. It is not the product of caprice; . . . it is the voice of character that has no choice but righteousness: “Thy Spirit is good.” —George Matheson. 13. Going through the Flood “He turned the sea into dry land: they went through the flood on foot: there did we rejoice in him” (Psa. 66:6). How many pilgrims, still passing through these Red Seas and Jordans of earthly affliction, will be enabled in the retrospect of eternity to say, full of \h e memories of God’s great goodness: “We went through the. flood on foot. There—there, in these dark experiences, with the surging waves on every side, deep calling to deep, Jordan, as when Israel crossed it, in ‘the time of the overflowing’ [flood!—yet, there did we rejoice in Him!”—Macduff. 14. Warmth and Light “Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you” (Jas. 4:8). No matter what your present feeling may be, or how great your want of feel ing, . . . set your time of prayer, not for a mere experiment, but as a fixed appointment, never to be discounted. Go to it in the cold to get heat. Go to it in the dark to wait and watch for the light. . . . God will be waiting on His part to open the gate for you, to greet, accept, and bid you everlasting wel come.—Horace Bushnell. . 15. The Christian Worker’s Standard “Sincere and without offense till the day of Christ; being^ filled with the fruits of righteousness” (Phil. 1:10, 11). Christian workers, be clean, pure of heart, and simple iri motive. See to it that there be no friction between your will and Christ’s. Be adjusted in gear, well set afid jointed. Subdue your own activities as much as your own natural lethargy. Stand still till God impels you. Wait till He works in you to will and to do of His good pleasure. —F. B. Meyer.
his father if he had not been recovered from death, if he had not been miracu lously restored as given. Abraham had never been as blessed in his seed, if he had not. neglected Isaac for God. The only way to find comfort in an earthly thing is to surrender it in a believing carelessness into the hands of God. —Bishop Hall. 9, Blemishes “Dead flies cause the ointment of the apothecary to s e n d forth a stinking savor: so doth a little folly him that is “in reputatipn for wisdom and honor” (Eccl. l'0 :l). It is sad to see how some strong and noble characters are marred by little, yet grievous, faults and blemishes. One man is generous, but he desires always to have his charity praised. Another is disposed to be kind and helpful, but by his manner hurts or humiliates the one he befriends. Another is unselfish and devoift but is careless of promises and engagements. . . . Whenever self crops out, . . . it is a dead fly in the ointment.—J. R. Miller. 10. Christian Pity “Having compassion one of another; love as brethren, be pitiful” (1 Pet. 3:8). A great deal of human pity fails to do anything in the depths because it has no relation with the heights. . . . It is not truly wholesome because it is not truly holy. The great characteristic of vital pity is this, it is a means of spiri tual restoration. Christian pity carries something of the holiness and grace and love of God. Yes, it is our communion with the heights that gives us our power in the depths.—J. H. Jowett. 11. False Economy “Take arrows. . . . Smite upon the ground. And he smote thrice, and stayed” (2 Kl. 13:18). The victory of King Joash was to de pend upon the number of arrows that he shot. He shot three arrows and kept the others in his quiver. That is good Now is the Time to Prepare for r v ▲ 11 W • Hand Work • Colored U A I L T • Memory Helps Paper • Pictures \ g i • • Scissors • Posters V a c a t i o n * O a yOIas • Cut-outs • Chalk • Bible Stories g | g | _ £ # libleslor Silhouettes Childri • Kindergarten CourseC L I I • Primary Course IV ^ V ^ L . Send for Descriptive Folder BEREAN BOOK ROOMS The Church Supply house of the West 405 So. Hill St. Los Angeles, Calif.
B e s t W i s h e s from W . A . B R O W N
Biola Summer Bible School Announcement on Page 191
SONGS IN THE DESERT 50 New Gospel Songs and Choruses Leatherette Cover 50c Postpaid Clarence E. Ranch 817 No. Harvard Blvd. Los Angeles. Calif.
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