T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
May, 1941
sation there are celestial compensations. Beneath those sweet family ties there are suggestions of love and friendship which can never grow old or pass away. —P. B. Meyer. 29. The River from the Throne “There is a river” (Psa. 46:4). The waters of the sea of nations roar and are troubled. . . . Wars desolate the world. But “there is a river, the streams whereof shall make glad the city of God.” It is the precious truth of His Word. It is the living water that flows from His throne, bringing life and joy to the inhabitants of Zion. The thirsty drink of it and are refreshed. The de filed bathe in its pure waters and are cleansed.—C. J. S. The Peace of God “Having made peace through the blood of his cross” (Col. 1:20). Quietness and assurance are indis- Chattanooga, Tennessee, is to be the host city for the Twenty-Second Annual Convention of the World’s Christian Fundamentals Association from May 18 to 25. Paul W. Rood, who is the Presi dent of the World’s Christian Funda mentals Association, devoting most of his time to the direction of its program and to related evangelistic activity un der the Association’s auspices, will be in charge of the Chattanooga meetings. Various p h a s e s of the conference theme, “America Must Get Right with God,” will receive attention from the speakers, selected from the nation’s out standing pastors, presidents of Chris tian colleges, mission board executives, 30.
pensable to our moral and spiritual well-being. Sin had disturbed all our relations; we were out of harmony with burselves, with men, and with God. The first requirement of a salvation that should bring blessedness to us was peace. . . . Where everything is . . . in God’s order and in harmony with His will, there alone can peace reign. Jesus Christ came to restore peace on earth, and peace in the soul, by restoring righteousness.—Andrew Murray. Walking with God “Enoch walked with God” (Gen. 5:24). How easy it is now for us to walk with a God fully revealed to us in His love in the gift of His Son, in His wis dom in the knowledge we now have of His glorious creation, all of which was hidden from Enoch! The more we pon der over this, the more are we amazed at two wonders—that Enoch should live so near, and we so far from God. -■—A. T. Schofield, t 31. and laymen from various business and professional fields. These speakers rep resent m a n y different denominations and widely separated portions of the country. Speakers li^fed for the convention in clude the following: John E. Brown, Ralph T. Davis, Peter Deyneka, George L. Edstrom, Dan Gilbert, Harris H. Gregg, Charles E. Gremmels, Boyd W. Hargraves, Bob Johes, Robert G. Lee, R. G. LeTourneau, Robert C. McQuilkin, W. H. Meredith,- H. C.' Morrison, Blair A. Quick, Paul S. Rees.’ w . B. Riley, Harry Rimmer, Paul W. Rood, Kenneth G. Olsen, A. A. Smith, J. Harold Smith, George Stephens, James A. Stewart, Mrs. B. H. Stokely, Mrs. Tom Tarwater, and Claude A. Watson. In sending advance notice of the gath ering, the committee presents the need and the challenge thus: “Every Chris tian citizen must recognize the precari ous situation we are facing in our land. Other nations have gone down and are being destroyed. The same laws of cause and effect are at work in America. ‘Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people’ (Prov. 14:34). We might as well try to refute the multiplication table as to refute this statement. It is true because God said it, and history illustrates over and over again the outworking of this principle. . . . We ask God’s people to make any needed sacrifice to help make this con vention a means in God’s hand to bring the revival that America must have or perish!” Interested persons may write to Don Rood, in care of Chattanooga Bible In stitute, 221 E. Sixth St., Chattanooga, Tenn., for information regarding enter tainment.
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