King's Business - 1941-05

May, 1941

T H E K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S


Will You Pray for THE KING'S BUSINESS? Encouraging word is received concerning the Lord’s use of this magazine in the salvation and strengthening of precious souls. Will you pray especially for the ministry of this present issue and of the / one to follow? The June issue will contain, among other features. Lessons from a Wedding---------- -------— —......... By H. A. Ironside Young end old will answering response. China's Leaders Eager for the Gospel............. By Charles A. Roberts A rise!, (Who should, and why?) ----------------- --- By Vanee Havner Is the Spirit of God directing you friend ? to send a subscription to some

Around the King s Table

LOUIS T. TALBOT, Editor-In-Chief

the bodies of their loved ones are laid. Let us pray, too, and earnestly, for those who clasp warmly to their hearts the belief that because their sons have died for their country, these boys there­ by have paid the price needful for obtain­ ing eternal life. The Word of God is plain: It is “not by works of righteous­ ness which we have done”—even though those deeds include the surrender of life itself—that men procure eternal salva- tion. “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: not of works, lest any man should boast” (Eph. 2:8,9). Not his relation to country, but his relation to Christ, is the question of chief import­ ance that every man in the armed forces —every individual—must face and settle. To the Christian, Memorial Day will call to mind another grave, one that Could hold its divine Occupant for only three days. Adoring hearts will remem­ ber the grim battlefield of Calvary and how, by His making “one sacrifice for sins for ever,” the Lord Jesus Christ secured a blood-bought emancipation for all those in a sin-bound world who would receive Him. Dr. Riley Honored It is with distinct personal pleasure that the» Editor of this magazine has learned of the continuance, in the pas­ torate of the First Baptist Church of Minneapolis, of his good friend W. B. Riley. It will be remembered that in March of this year, at the conclusion of forty-four years as pastor of this

God, who had a human mother, and who by partaking of our humanity has ennobled womanhood. That mothers are dear to His heart is evidenced by the fact that He tells of His willingness to comfort us as a mother comforts her children. Remember On May 30, with customary solem­ nity, multitudes in America will make their way to cemeteries all over the country to decorate the graves espe­ cially of soldiers who lost their lives in the wars of this nation. It is a good thing that each year has in it a national Memorial Day, recalling, as it does, a fact which America needs sorely to pon­ der—that it cost the lives of hundreds of brave men in order that peace and liberty and the American way of life might be preserved. This nation does well to contemplate that stem reality. Not only in the past, but also in the turbulent present and in almost every country of the world, men are dying as the victims of war. In a world armed to the teeth, uncounted numbers of lives are being laid down daily, and the army of weeping women grows apace. Many of these sorrowing ones, alas, never will have graves to decorate, for their dead are buried in foreign soil or laid to rest at the bottom of the sea. As we journey to “God’s green acre” on Memorial Day, may we prayerfully remember these be­ reaved ones, denied as they are of even the scant comfort to be found in the placing of a few spring flowers where

Mother’s Day With our American way of capitaliz­ ing on anything pf national interest, Mother’s Day has been commercialized out of all proportion. For a week or so prior to May 11, shop windows will be telling us how to remember our mothers, and trade will be brisk. Doubtless some mothers will count themselves fortunate to be remembered once a year. We live in a heartless world, where many women work and weep and never receive re­ cognition for their tears and sacrifice. If you send a bunch of flowers on Mother’s Day to a mother whose love and care throughout the years you over­ look, then, candidly, you are a hypocrite. Practical gratitude is what a mother needs and not a mere yearly gift. Many a mother’s heart yearns for an occasion­ al .“thank you” or a “God bless you, dear.” If you had a mother whose love for God and His Word was the secret of her strength and courage, or if your mother is of that kind and in the providence of God is still with you, take time to bless the Lord for that godly mother. Further, as the day of national recog­ nition of motherhood comes round, ask yourself whether, so far as your spirit­ ual life is concerned, you are walking in the old-fashioned way your dear mother knew. If she prayed, do you? If she read the Bible daily, do you? If she loved the church, do you? If she lived that others might be blessed, are you so living? Above all, praise Him, the Son of

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