209 LAPEL CROSS Church people, young and old, wear them. Fine for special awards. Great money raiser for Groups, Schools and Societies. Finished in durable gold plate; screw back. Sample 10 cents; SO for $1.00 or 100 for ,$4.00, postpaid Y. 1,USSIER ¿430 North Ridgway Ave., Chicago, ill. A TRIBUTE TO OUR MOTHERS A new book with real help for Mother’s Day pro grams. 17 lovely, touching songs about Mother, Home, Heaven, of permanent value; honoring both living and sainted mothers. “Star Windows” and “Dream Faces” worth the price alone. Poems and readings. Should be in every home, every Sunday School. In Art covers, two-color rose de signs. Leatherette 15c; beautiful Orchid Deckle Gift Edition. Silk cord, 25c; NATHANIEL CARL SON, 2304 Elliot Ave., Minneapolis, Minn, (Men tion this periodical.) Advance showing of i9M Greeting Cards C H R I S T 1A N W I I 1 » 1 w I Sentiments Our Box of 24 Deluxe Scripture Text Christmas Folders is without doubt the* best' value on the market. A $1.75 value. Our Companion Box of ¡18 Scripture Text Folders for Birthday, Sick, Sym pathy, etc., sells readily at $1.00. “All have envelopes to match.” As a sample offer we will send either of the above Assortments for 65c. Two or more Boxes, 50c each. Satisfaction guar anteed. Request our new Catalogue featuring over 300 Books and Bibles. Agent’s profit is one-third. Organized groups raise funds. No ex perience needed. Take orders now! SHEPHERD'S TOWN CARD CO., Shepherdstown, Pa., Box 65. N OW !! SEE IT • READ IT • ORDER IT THE HEW I Find CHBIST Adequate VOICE “Stepped up,” attractive, compact with keen meaty messages by outstanding contenders for the faith, forges to the front as the “Publica tion of the Hour” ! # READ # “IS AMERICA TO ESCAPE!” the feature “news cast” article in the May issue. Also “OUR NEW BODY” and “OUT OF THE NIGHT.” SEE BIBLE ADVEN TURES ILLUSTRATED. A new department triumph for boys and girls. SUBSCRIBE TO DAY. $1.00 per year. 25c Three months trial. 10c for single copy. THE VOICE Dept. KB 4000 Washington, St. Louis, Mo. SIMPSON BIBLE INSTITUTE SEATTLE, WASHINGTON Fundamental; Interdenominational —20 different denominations and movements: International—17 different states and countries. Three-year course of study; Faculty and Staff of seventeen.
T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
May, 1941
Stirring Missionary Fervor Representing the fast-growing and Christ-honoring Student Foreign Mis sions Fellowship, a group of four conse crated young men, gifted as speakers and musicians, expect to tour the .Pacific Coast this summer. Among the number will be the President of the Fellowship, Robert Evans, a student at Eastern Baptist Seminary, and Peter Stam III, of Wheaton College and F aith Theolog ical Seminary. Beginning in the East in the middle of June, the men will accept appoint ments as they journey westward. They expect to be in Washington about July 11, and then to proceed south to South ern California. After August 11, they will be in Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas. About four years ago, moved by the decreasing number of laborers going to foreign fields, a group of about one hundred earnest young people in two student conferences sought to meet the challenge of the situation. The result was the formation- of this virile organ ization, its members all committed in -one way or another to the task of world evangelization. The work is not confined to any one school; indeed, members re cently gathered representing forty col leges, universities, and Bible schools. The General Secretary is W. Neill Haw kins. Robert C. McQuilkin has been a valued leader in the work since its in ception. Members of the Advisory Board include Rowland V. Bingham, H. A. Ironside, R. H. Glover, and others. For information regarding the quartet’s itinerary or other matters, address: Student Foreign Missions Fellowship, 506 Commonwealth Building, 1201 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Independent Fundamental Churches of America Recognizing the need to stress the fundamentals of Christian faith and the necessity for evangelism in an hour of world crisis, the Independent Funda mental Churches of America plan to hold the organization’s Twelfth Annual Convention from Monday evening, May 19, to Friday evening, May 23, the host church being the York Gospel Center, S. Pine and Maple Sts., York, Pa. Ralph E. Boyer is pastor of the church. Officers of the organization are Nye J. Langmade, Salina, Kans., President; E. G. Zorn, Chicago, 111., Executive Sec retary, and Donald W. Wood, Cicero, 111., Treasurer. The executive council includes the following: O. B. Bottorff, Paul M. Cell, G. H. Hendry, P. H. Kadey, William McCarrel, William L. Pettin- gill, William E. Pietsch, Frank C. Tor- rey, and W- G. Wittenborn. Pastors, evangelists, Bible teachers; missionaries, and Christian workers are expected to attend. Additional in formation can be secured by addressing Donald W. Wood, 2230 S. Fifty-Second Ave., Cicero, 111.
“BY THE SIDE OF THE BEAUTIFUL SEA” [Continued from Page 1,78]
an individual decision, and that is what many of our churches and Sunday- schools have failed to do.” Afternoons find the group of children and leaders again on the beach, this time engaged in writing or making pic tures in the wet sand. Each afternoon a theme is chosen, and various classes work out representations of Bible sto ries, missionary lands, and Scripture verses. Beach vacationists,* clad in bath ing suits and frequently smoking cigar ettes, pass the busy spot and stop to read: “I Am the Light of the World,” outlined in shells; “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ,” written in white beans, carefully placed; and “Go Ye Into All the World and P r e a c h the Gospel,” gleaming forth in colored marbles. Thus God’s Word has an audience among many who might never enter a house of worship. [For further facts about the Chil drens Seaside Mission, please see page 203. Will you pray as you read them? — E ditor .] Timothy (’33) and Mrs. Pietsch, 983 E. Howard, Pasadena, Calif., have returned from their service in Japan under the Scandinavian Alliance Mission. Mr. Pietsch recently showed colored motion pictures of the Orient at the Student Missionary Union “Home Night” for Biola students. Dorothy C. Haskin, *38, 2573 Yu Glen Green, Los Angeles, Calif., has been finding opportunities for Christian serv ice through writing articles for the magazine published by the American Sunday School Union, and for other Christian publications. Jane S. Goodner, ’40, 506 E. Myrtle St., Santa Ana, Calif., is Director of Christian Education and Church Secre tary at the First Presbyterian Church of Tustin, Calif. Among her other activi ties, she has charge of the Christian Endeavor Society and teaches the Bible Study Hour a t the Wednesday evening prayer meeting for the young people. Married Carl Edward Sisson and Luella Ruth Stroud, Mar. 22, Whittier, Calif. Born To F. Alton and Mrs. Everest (Elva M. Widlund, ’29), a daughter, Rebecca Ann, Oct. 13, 1940, Corvallis, Ore. To Orville E. (’39) and Mrs. Hurd (’39), a son, Jamie Parker, April 2, Santa Ana, Calif. FAMILY CIRCLE [Continued from Page 183]
101 W. 58th St. tSeattle, Washington tlThe Bible is the Core of the Curriculum”
Please pray for the Bible Institute of Los Angeles.
VISUALIZE CHRISTIAN EDUCATION Lantern slides present the opportunity today as never before, proclaiming Prophecy and the Gospel. Slides to order in a few days. Plain, 40c, 60c colored. Quantity reduction. C. WHITFIELD SIMS Phone CL. 66129 6176 Myosotig St, Log Angeles, Calif.
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