T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
May, 1941
SHIFTING WINDS PROPHECY MONTHLY for MAY I Will discuss new prophetic inter- . pretations disturbing many. HOLD STEADY! Read about Haile Sel assie, the Ghost of International Morality; Great C o m m i s s i o n Streamlined by Federal Council; Certified Pulpiteers and Canned Preaching; World Zionist Move ment Honors the late Wm. E. Blackstone; Are we in 1941 or 1959? Information you will great ly prize in this May issue. (10c) Special 4 mo. trial offer 25c stamps; $1 for y.ear; with this ad get FREE two recent issues and inspiring gift booklet. AMERICAN PROPHETIC LEAGUE, Inc. Gordon F. Pelton, Exec. Sec’y. Box BB, Sta. E. B., Eos Angeles, Calif. For Vacation Bible Schools or Children’s meetings. Complete with objects. Noth ing to build,, beg or borrow. 300 Titles . . . . Free Samples Arnold Carl Westphal, Michigan City, Indiana Wanted, 2500Agents To sell our dynamic booklets. Good Work! Quick Sales! Big Profits! Write us for detailed information. TRUE LIFE LIBRARY, SEBRING, FLA. CATCHY SURPRISE GOSPEL OBJECT LESSONS
to serve their customers even better than before. The Rodeheaver Hall-Mack Company feels that in many, ways Ythia will be an ideal moye, as their new plant will be located in a spot far removed from the noises, distractions, and limitations of the large cities, and will enable their or ganization to function w ith ; increased efficiency in an atmosphere of Christian influence amid surroundings of natural beauty. . _ . Winona Lake is the home of one of the world’s greatest Bible conferences and of the Rodeheaver Sacred M u s i c Conference, the Petrie Band School, and many other activities to promote Chris tian education, recreation, and inspira tion. ' > , where there is “a welter of sounds and a Babel of voices,” one is deeply grateful fcb Dr. Smith for this great reaffirmation of the supernatural quality of our faith, a declaration which he has brought from the rich background of his own experience, piety, and erudition. It is a volume which every Christian will do well not only to peruse but also to possess. 235 pages. W. A. Wilde Co. Cloth. Price 31.50. As the title suggests, the short poems which make up this collection are the random thoughts ,of a woman’s heart. They are the expressions of one who loves nature and the little homey incidents in life and US friend ships, all made sweeter by that chief friend ship with the Lord who cares for His own. The reader who looks for -technical perfec tion in versification may be disappointed; but he who would muse upon the Lord’s com fort and guidance and the daily experiences that every soul encounters will find here ma terial for meditation. There are over a hun dred jottings altogether, bound in a small book with attractive art binding. 120 pages. Wm. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co. Cloth. Price $ 1 . 00 . Bypaths in the Greek New Testament By KENNETH S. WUEST These brief word studies, designed not only for the student of Greek, but for the lay reader as well, will make easily available many of the riches of the Word of God. Two editions of Mr. Wuest’s earlier book, Golden Nuggets from the Greek New Testa ment, were printed last year. Both of these volumes will delight preachers, Sunday-school teachers, and other students of the Word. 124 pages. . Wm. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co. Cloth.’ Price $1.00. Roaming in My Heart By VERA V. GOODWIN
Rodeheaver Hall-Mack Company at Winona Lake, Ind. Due to increased demand for their songbooks and sacred music, the Rode heaver Hall-Mack Company announces the opening of their spacious new office at Winona Lake, Ind. Quarters had become cramped at both their Philadel phia and Chicago offices, and it became necessary to enlarge their present facili ties. These offices will be moved to Winona Lake about May 1, and all communica tions should be sent to the Winona Lake, Ind., office after that date. The Company reports that with their new increased floor space and facilities at Winona Lake, Ind., they will be able The Supematuralness of Christ— Can "We Still BeUeve It? By WILBUR M. SMITH The minister of the gospel of Christ is not merely an exhorter to good works. He is not the executive manager of a business concern with a religious tag. He is a prophet •of the divine revelation knd is set for tne defense and confirmation of the gospel. Such is Wilbur M. Smith, widely known as the editor of Pelou bet’s Notes and as an instructor at the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago. To his friends, Dr. Smith is known to be a bibliophile; he is a true "friend of books, and is particularly eager in his pursuit of those having to do with the divine revela- tion. Few evangelical ministers of our day are as widely read or well informed on the whole range of Christian and religious lit erature as is Dr. Smith. The author's wide acquaintance with books is apparent from the bibliography that accompanies the pres ent volume and from the numerous quota tions from writers both friendly and hostile to his thesis. For the lay mind or those who are denied both the time and the access to suoh writing. Dr. Smith has prepared a volume which surveys and digests the material for and against the supernatural features of the life of Christ so as to bring the reader right up to date. But at the same time his book is a vigorous apologetic for the abso lute historicity of the Gospel narratives. Nothing could demonstrate better the com plete bankruptcy of the unbelievers than to let them speak for themselves in offering their absurd alternatives to explain away the logical and convincing record of obvious fact. ' Chapter Four, "The Miraculous Works of Christ,” is possibly the highlight of the whole volume if it is possible for one portion to exceed the rest in excellence. We rejoice also that the often-neglected subject of the Transfiguration is accorded a place of high importance as a proof of the supernatural ness of Christ. The book concludes with a discussion of the greatest of all recorded, miracles—the resurrection—and the reader is left with the glorious assurance of the gen uineness of our great faith because He who is the Author and Finisher of it has been “declared to be the Son of God with power, according to the Spirit of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead.” In an age of confusion and counterfeit,
Our Literature Table
K IL L S A C T ’i_1frjfrr FOR «O c JONES ANT KILLER — A sure way to RID your home and lawn of ANTS; For sale at all stores. JONES PRODUCTS CO, Milwaukee, Wii.
15 N A M E S W A N T E D Addresses of S. S. teachers and S. S. superin tendents known to be readers of fundamental Christian literature such as KING'S BUSINESS. YOUR NAME not mentioned; YOUR REWARD, one of our best 128 page books—if you send 15 addresses or more, plainly written, and mention this offer. THE BIBLE INSTITUTE COLPORTAGE ASS’N. 810 No. Wells St. Chicago, III.
“CHRIST at The DOOR” but— HOW SHALL WE TELL THE CHILDREN? Teach the “MODEL” way ENTIRELY NEW— NEYER BEFORE ON SALE These “MODELS,” and card cut-out “Symbols of Truth,” used by workers of Michigan’s Rural Bible Mission in their great School-house and Summer Bible School min istry. 12,400 children in Bible Schdols last summer; 3,000 led to Christ’. 30,000 children being visited monthly in rural schools. ____ COMPLETE SERIES OF MODELS AJ-iD LESSONS FOR YOUR SUMMER BIBLE SCHOOL NOW READ1T Pedagogically Correct^—Artistically Attractive— Biblically- Fundamental & Evangelistic MODEL SHOWN “Christ at The Door”. 7x14 in.; beautifully finished. Cedar wood construction. Verse on Key Symbol Rev. 3:20, with chorus on reverse side “Into My Heart”. Visual Bible Pub. Co., Dept. A, Kalamazoo, Mich.
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