King's Business - 1941-05

[JfiinJ successfulsummen ¡an Me SUPERIOR SUMMER SCHOOL SERIES Clarence H. Benson, Editor-in-Chief Prove the soul-catching power of this complete Bible-centered, Bible-teaching system of Daily Vacation Bible Schools. Send for Free Pros­ pectus of Sample Lessons TODAY. Pupils’ work-books and Teachers' manuals for each department. All new material—some­ thing TO DO. Combines worship, instruction, expression. Outlines cover every minute of the day—a boon to untrained teachers, a revela­ tion to trained teachers. Superior Summer School Series simplifies starting a DVBS. If your church or community lacks this progres­ sive feature mail coupon for Free Prospectus giving helpful suggestions. ALL FOUR DEPARTMENTS— ,

IMPROVE YOUR MINISTRY The 20 lessons in Homiletics, published by U.B.S., give Ministers, S.S. Teachers, and Prayer Meeting Leaders a new insight into fifteen methods of outlining and presenting Bible truths. FASTEN the truth while you PREACH It. Send $1 for these lessons and The Gospel Minister, 26 weeks. UNION BIBLE SEMINARY, Dept. 48A, Westfield, Ind. o ServeYou BETTER The Rodeheaver Hall-Mack Co. announces the opening of their spacious new office May 1,1941 at WINONA LAKE, INDIANA Sill • And what more ideal location could have been chosen! At WINONA LAKE—the p lay ­ ground and inspirational center of the religious world, the person­ nel, equipment and facilities of both our Chicago and Philadel­ phia offices will be consolidated under one roof, welding them into a smooth functioning organ­ ization to serve you better. • Send fo r catalog or write us about your music problems and let us submit helpful suggestions. . JU R odeheaver ■ H A L L -M A C K .J & J W I N O N A L A K E . I N D I A N A • Because of tho rapidly increas­ ing demand for our sacred music publications, it becomes necessary to expand our facilities and floor space.

By Cecilia Margaret Rudin, M. A. The Perfect Gift for Mothers and Others, any­ time, anywhere. Popular for graduation, Chil­ dren’s Day, Birthday, and happily used among the sick, shut-ins, etc. Beautifully and tenderly written. Paints vivid pictures of the life-drama behind our beloved hymns, “Blest Be the Tie That Binds,” “Saviour Breathe an Evening Blessing,” “The Sweet Story of Old,” “Onward Christian Soldiers,” “Home, Sweet Home,” “This is my Father’s World,” “I Would Be True.” 155 Subjects: hymns, composers, etc. An abund­ ance of beautiful verses for memorizing. A book of beauty for study, meditation, c o mf o r t and pleasure. Beauti­ fully bound, attractive­ ly illustrated, o n l y $ 1 . 00 . Order today from your dealer or direct JOHN RUDIN & CO ., INC. 1018 South Wabash Ave., Dept. KB-5 I ___________ Chicago/ Illinois HYMN PROGRAMS Price, only 25c. Bas­ ed on “Stories of Hymns We Love.” Simple presentations for groups of all ages.

Opportunity to secure fr e e ...a Scofield Bible, a helpful book, or a subscription to Moody Monthly . . . if you enroll in a Moody Bible Institute Correspondence Course between May 1and Aug. 31. So . . . pick out YOUR course and your free gift that goes with i t . . . write us, enclosing check or money order...But DON’T DELAY...DO IT NOW!

YOU RECEIVE FREE |~1 Moody Monthly for 2 years | | or Scofield Bible [~1 or Cruden's Concordance |~~1 Moody Monthly for 1 year 1~1or Prophecy1s Light on Today, • by Dr. Charles G. Trumbull n or Bible Questions Answered, by Dr. William G. Pettingill f l Moody Monthly for 8 months I~1or Bible A tlas (Rand-M cN ally) I~1 or Hurlbut's Handy Bible Encyclopedia

E N R O L L I N T H E S E M . B . I. C O U R S E S

A Q Scofield Bible Correspondence Course............$15.00

Published each year in departmentally graded form—all classes in a department use same lesson. Each manual contains ten lessons, pro­ viding for two-week schools. (For Intermedi­ ates ONLY, Units I, II, III available.) This Bible-teaching plan protects and di­ rects our youth—the nation’s greatest asset. Economical in cost: Teacher’s manual 25c, pupil’s work book 10c.

2 Q Synthetic Bible Study Course................................. $8.00 I~1 Bible Doctrine Course............................................... 8.00 1 n Teacher Training Course............................... 8.00 , Q Bible Chapter. Summary Course............................ 7.00 3 O Studies in the Life and Teachings of Our Lord Course...........................................................$6.00 1 f~l Practical Christian Work Course.......................... 6.00 I I"! World-Wide Missions Course....................... — 6.00 ) | | Fundamentals of Christian FaithCourse.............. 5.00 \ | | Mountain Peaks of Prophecy Course ................. 4.50 J 4 Q Introductory Bible Course......................................$3.50 ) p i Scripture Memorizing for Successful Soul- Winning Course.......................................................3.50 i p i Evangelism Course.................................................... 3.50 ( |~1 Christian Evidences Course.................................... 3.50 / r~| Panorama of the Ages Course............................... 3.50 1 |~1G reat Epochs of Sacred History Course.............. 2.50 n Scripture Truth Course............................................. 2.50 j

□ Moody Monthly for 6 months f~l or Topical Textbook, by Dr. R. A. Torrey I | or Notes from M y Bible, by Dwight L. Moody

Dept. KB-5

THE SCRIPTURE PRESS 800 North Clark Street, Chicago, Illinois □ Please send me Prospectus of Free sample Lessonsof SUPERIOR SUMMER SCHOOL SERIES for DVBS. Name Address _ City_ -State—

NOTE: These premiums do not apply on dass rates. Dept. MOODY BIBLE INSTITUTE, 153 INSTITUTE PLACE, CHICAGO K-402 'Name ............................................................................Address..................................................... .State.


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