King's Business - 1941-05

o f fjoh (JonesCollege is the t r a in in g o f Q h r is t ia n leaders for all walks o f life.

ALUMNI ARE OUTSTANDING CHRISTIAN LEADERS— Lawyers, Physicians, Teachers, Ministers (Pastors, Evangelists, B i b l e Teachers, Mission­ aries), Evangelistic Singers, Public Speakers, Musicians, Successful Businessmen and Busi­ ness Women.

Bob Jones College emphasizes the fact that FOR A CHRISTIAN life is not divided into the secular and the sacred. For the Christian every task is a sacred task. Bob Jones College stu­ dents are taught that a surrendered life is a successful life.

Located in the beautiful Tennessee Valley sec­ tion of the Old South, Bob Jones College is ac­ credited as a four-year institution by the De­ partment of Education of the State o'f Ten­ nessee. Credits are accepted by leading grad­ uate schools in all sections of the country. Voice, piano, speech, violin, and pipe organ without any additional cost above regular aca­ demic tuition.

Bob Jones College is a Liberal Arts College, and the wide variety of courses offered in­ cludes: four-year college course . . . four-year high school course . . . four-year secondary teachers course . . . two-year and four-year elementary teachers course . . . one-year busi­ ness and secretarial course.

Address inquiries to DR. BOB JONES, JR., ACTING PRESIDENT



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