King's Business - 1933-04

April-May, 1933

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


B y LOUIS S. BAUMAN Long Beach, California

q o rv m u aj i s /y j “Thou Shalt Think an Evil Thought”

be a Fascist, and therefore friendly to the political ideal of Mussolini. Fascism, it is true, is the very antithesis of com­ munism, and men may ask, “How then can they march together?” However, carefully note that the Fascism of the German is rabidly anti-Semitic, while the Fascism of the Italian is thoroughly pro-Semitic. The leading spokes­ men of all Fascism outside Germany say: “We know no anti-Semitism.” Politically, Hitler would march, though none too enthusiastically, with Mussolini. Religiously, Hit­ ler would march enthusiastically with Stalin. Now, the religious tie is stronger that the political tie. Fascism, moreover, has not gripped the masses of Germany with the same fervor with which it has laid hold of Italy. Commun­

V^ ast military preparations and maneuvers cost money. Gog’s fight against God will prove to be rather an expen­ sive undertaking. Gog and his allies will not be overbur­ dened with gold when the fatal hour arrives for their march on Israel’s land. This great northern bear, this beady-eyed assassinator of motherhood, this corrupter of childhood, this murderer of unborn infants, this defiler of woman­ hood, this enslaver of human minds, this prostitutor of everything that is sacred to the human heart, this blas­ phemer of all that is called divine, this monstrosity even among the monsters of all time now crawls out of its blood-

slimed hole in Moscow, rolls up its heavy pus-mat­ ted eyelids, and looks to­ ward a prosperous little land whose deserts have suddenly sprung to life to blossom like a rose—a little strip of land beyond the peaks of the Caucasus. “Thus saith the Lord God; it shall also come to pass, that at the same time shall things come into thy mind, and thou shalt think an evil thought: And thou shalt say, I will go up to the land of unwalled vil­ lages; I will go to them that are at rest, that dwell safely, all of them dwelling without walls, and having neither bars nor gates, to

ism is still a power in Ger­ many. Hitlerism can pass overnight. However, be our prognostications what they may, God’s Word will stand, even as it stood and won against many antipro- phetical alliances that ex­ isted when the World War broke out. As we write, the morn­ ing paper brings the story of German Fascist perse­ cution of the Jews in Ger­ many. On that rock, Hit­ lerism may fall and ex­ plode with a flash! Least­ wise, some one should pass a hint to Chancellor Hitler that he might follow Saul’s example and ask some “Witch of Endor” to call

The above cartoon was designed and drawn by Mrs. R. F. Burch specially for this article. Mrs. Burch is a member of Dr. Bau­ man’s church in Long Beach, California.

take a spoil, and to take a prey; to turn thine hand upon the desolate places that are now inhabited, and upon the people that are gathered out of the nations, which have gotten cat­ tle and goods, that dwell in the midst of the land” (Ezek. 38:10-12). W ill G ermany T h ink with G og ? But back of the “evil thought” of Gog and his allies lies more than a desire for “cattle and goods,” great as that may be. Is not Gog’s war a war against all that is called God? And is not the Palestinian Jew the soul of religion? When faith elsewhere perishes from the earth, does it not ever survive on the hills of Judah? Can any war against God completely succeed while the Jew in Palestine con­ tinues to breathe? War on God always has meant, and always will mean, war on the Jew of the “wailing wall.” Previously in these articles, we have stated that when Gog begins his fatal march, Germany will march within his ranks. We so declared only on the ground that the belief of many scholars, Jewish and Christian, is correct in that the “Gomer” of Ezekiel (38:6) is Germany. Events transpiring in Germany even as we write are not shaking our opinion. Rather, they confirm it. Adolf Hitler, just made Chancellor of Germany, may

Haman out of the shades of Hades long enough for a bit of consultation. Should Haman’s advice need any support, Pharaoh, Nebuchadnezzar, Darius, Herod, and a few other “past grand masters” in the art of Jew-butchery might also be stirred out of their resting ( ?) places for further authen­ tic confirmation. Meanwhile, the attitude of the German and the attitude of the Russian toward the soul of all reli­ gious faith—the Jew—-seems destined to make them com­ panions-in-arms in the coming fatal march against the Jew. As in the ages past, the Jews will do them the kindness of gathering up their bones for the historic bone pile. E vents E lsewhere As Gog ponders over his “evil thought,” events happen elsewhere. It is a sadly troubled world in which Gentile dominion is swiftly running to its prophesied “end” (Jer. 30:11). In that hour, a mighty willful king will arise to speak also “marvelous things against the God of gods.” And he “shall prosper till the indignation be accomplished” (Dan. 11:36). This willful king, none other than the refractory Roman “beast” seen by the seer of Patmos (Rev. 13), moves, with

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