King's Business - 1933-04

The Oriental Missionary Society, Inc. O F F IC E R S A N D T R U S T E E S JAPAN President: MRS. CHAS E. COWMAN (Compiler of “Streams in the Desert” ) FORMO SA |//snr a First Vice-President . . . . . . . . REV. E. L. KILB01JRNE kvl I P I A Second V ic e -P re sid e n t.............................................................. REV. H. F. WOODS M /\INV*nU R l/\ C H IN A S ecretary-T reasurer........................................................................... ' REV. E. O. RICE RUSSIA Rev. Juji Nakada Rev. E. R. Munroe Rev. P. E. Haines Rev. R. P. Adams ,------- -------------- S p e c i a l i z i n g i n ----------------------- , ON E M E S S A G E # O N E M E T H O D , O N E M E D I U M The Whole Bible Direct Evangelism A Trained Native Ministry W E PREACH THE GOSPEL, THE W HO LE GOSPEL A N D N O TH IN G BUT THE GOSPEL

Read the following Figures and Rejoice with us in seeing •’ W H A T G O D H A T H W R O U G H T ” in l Year’s T im e th ro ugh a N a tive M in is try in the O rien ta l Missionary Society . . . . T otal n um b er m eetings h eld ............................

o u r stu d en ts in train in g in o u r Seoul, K orea, Bible In stitu te.

135,918 T otal n um b er atte n d an ts all m eetings.......... 3 ,7 56,577 P ra y e r m eetings h eld ............................................ 48,081 P ra y e r m eeting a tte n d a n ts............................... 5 60,667 O pen-air m eetings held....................................... 11,087 O p en -air m eetings a tte n d a n ts....................... 70 5 ,2 3 8 Sunday School m eetings held.......................... 16,511 Sunday School m eeting a tte n d a n ts............... 6 6 5 ,0 4 4 T o tal n um b er seeking souls a t a lta rs.......... 8 3,372 T otal n um b er re g u la r m ission statio n s....... 429 T otal n um b er o u tstatio n s.................................. 600 T otal am o u n t native offerings...............U.S., $ 1 7 0 ,8 7 5 .0 0 N um ber of Bible In stitu tes............................... 5 N um ber of Bible Institu te stu d e n ts............... 325 All glory be to the Lord who hath made it all possible!

Read these Subjects for Prayer and pray with us for these great needs. Perhaps God would have YOU to have a definite share in the great victories we are seeing. W E ARE PRAYING for su p p o rt for 60 n ativ e stu d en ts in our Bible In stitu tes. T his is an u rg en t need NOW . $7.50 p er m onth will su p p o rt a n d tra in a stu d en t. A photo, testim ony, an d reg u lar q u arterly rep o rt will be sen t to each su pporter from his o r h er student. W E ARE PRAYING fo r su p p o rt fo r 40 train ed n ative w orkers a t from $10.00 to $25.00 per m onth. They a re w onderful soul w inners. R egular m onthly rep o rts sen t from w orker to su p ­ p o rter. P hoto also sent. W E ARE PRAYING for $30,000.00 w ith w hich to launch great te n t cam paigns from o u r m ain cen ters in K orea an d China th is Spring. A sy stem atic cam paign is on to reach every hom e in K orea an d China, as has already been done in Jap an . W ith the te n ts we a re going sy stem atically to every m ark et tow n, pitch the te n ts and v isit every hom e in all th e su rrounding villages

and then m ove on to the next m ark et town, and so on and on until these lands are lite r­ ally covered w ith th e know ledge of C alvary’s redem ption. DO YOU NOT WANT TO HAVE A SHARE IN TH IS GREAT EVANGELISTIC CAM­ PA IGN ? For $25.00 we can p itch th e te n t in a m ark et tow n for ten d ay s’ m eetings an d for $5.00 o u r w orkers can go to villages an d pu t th e p rin ted w ord in every home. Each m arket tow n is surrounded by a b o u t 25 villages so a m ark et tow n te n t cam paign and every home in tw enty-five villages can be evangelized for $150.00. Make a whole, or a p a rt of one of these m ark et tow n cam paigns YOUR sh are in C hina’s evangelization.


Convention G roup a t o u r Shanghai, C hina Bible In stitu te.

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