King's Business - 1933-04


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

April-May, 1933

passion and gives yearning for entire sanc­ tification like the realization of the fact that “he comes”—that He may come at any moment.— D insdale T. Y oung . APRIL .25 "The communion of the Holy Ghost” (2 Cor. 13:14). Blessed name that appears in our Eng­ lish Bible—“the Comforter who is the Holy Ghost.” I do not-know that in all the divine music of the Word there is any­ thing more sweet or more solemn, more touching or tender than these words. Poor, mourning disciple of Jesus Christ, you may not have known what tender hand was laid upon your head in that day of dark­ ness and deep distress. Know ye that it was the hand of the Holy Ghost. What does He think of the fact that you did not know it, and that no thought went out to Him in response? Shall we not trust the Holy Spirit?—J. E lder C umming . APRIL 26 “Love is the fulfilling of the law” (Rom. 13:10). . -' Some time ago, I was the possessor of a beautiful collie called “Jock.” When he first came to London, he was wild with spirit, and would dash away. I would never have seen him again had I not put him under law by the purchase of a strong col­ lar with a chain attached. Jock soon got to know me, and after he had been with me some weeks, I went to take him out. He put up his head as usual for the collar and chain, but I said, “No, Jock, no more chain.” I opened the door, and for the first time he bounded out free. He dashed away as if I should never see him more, but just then another law, of which he was un­ aware, came into operation, and he came trotting back to walk with me, held by a chain stronger than any made of steel. For the law of liberty is the law of love. —A. T, S chofield . APRIL 27 “Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my re­ deemer" (Psa. 19:14). Speak kindly of thy neighbors near, Perchance there dwells with them The Spirit of the living God. Wouldst thou this One condemn? Speak gently to thy passing friend, Perchance there walks with him The Christ who trod through Galilee. Speak’st thou harsh words to Him? Speak softly to thy cherished own, For it may truly be They seek, with eagerness, to find The risen Christ in thee. —M. F. B lair . APRIL 28 “Jesus Christ the same . . . for ever” (Heb. 13:8). The “for ever” of my text is not to be limited to this present life, but it runs on into the remotest. For Jesus Christ, the change between the “today” of His earthly life and the “for ever” of His ascended glory made no change in the tenderness of His heart, the sweetness of His smile, the nearness of His helping hand. It will be the same Christ the Mediator, the Re- vealer in heaven, whom we here dimly saw and knew to be the Sun of our souls. That radiant and eternal sameness will consist in an endless streaming forth of new lusters and new powers. He will be the same Jesus that we know upon earth; still

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dience to God and to His Word. The high­ est act of worship that God ever received was from His own beloved Son, when Jesus on the cross “bowed his head, and gave up the ghost,” because that was the highest act of obedience.- Therefore He stands forth hereafter as leading the wor­ shipers in the midst of the church, because He was the Obedient One.—H. W. S oltau . It was in glad submission to the will of God that a pioneer missionary to the fierce unevangelized Indians of South America, after witnessing the martyrdom of her hus­ band, baby daughter, and fellow mission­ ary, was enabled by grace to refer to this seeming tragedy as the time in which the Lord privileged her to give Him every­ thing. Can you, suffering less, say as much ? Full obedience demands it,— S elected . APRIL 22 “He that saith he abideth in him ought himself so to walk, even as he walked" (1 John 2:6). The fuller the cup, the more easy it is to spill its contents. The higher the spiritual privilege, the more need for lowliness of walk before God. The stronger we are, the greater the temptation to trust in our strength. The more frequently the Spirit of God moves us, the more powerfully will the world and the flesh oppose us. The life of Samson alternates with light and shade. A Nazarite who seemed to be par­ tially unconscious of the sacredness of his life, he had a fatal flaw in his character as a servant in the work of God. —J ames S m ith . “Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall” (1 Cor. 10 : 12 ). APRIL 23 "How shall we that are dead to sin, live any longer therein?” (Rom. 6:2). The Word of God does not hold out any promise that sin is dead. On the contrary, it is very much alive. But it is our priv­ ilege to reckon continuously that we are dead to sin. Our appetites and propensi­ ties are not dead. Satan is not dead. The enemy will come with his forbidden fruit as often as the Lord will let him, and will turn the red cheek to our view, and we shall be tempted and tried to the utmost and to the last. It was so with our Saviour, and it will be so with us. But if we, through faith in Jesus, are dead to sin, Satan will be defeated in every attempt. —W. E. B oardman . “Dying with Jesus, His death reckoned mine; Living with Jesus a new life divine; Looking to Jesus till glory doth shine; Moment by moment, O Lord, I am Thine.” APRIL 24 “That blessed hope, and the glorious ap­ pearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ” (Titus 2:13). My hope of the world’s salvation lies not in any gradual evangelization of the world, but in the personal return of our dear Lord and Saviour. I believe that this world is waning fast, and that at any mo­ ment He may appear. This makes me an optimist. This thrills me with hope. This makes my ministry (in ideal) vivid and intense and glad. If this glorious hope was a real expectation to all His people, it would give modern preaching the accent it needs; it would put an end to mere eth­ ical essays in the pulpit. Nothing recovers evangelical fervor and rekindles missionary

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