King's Business - 1939-01

January, 1939

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


had seen him at the gate of the temple day after day for years. Third, the man did not expect to be healed, but merely expected to receive some alms. It was not a case, therefore, of "faith” healing. Fourth, he was healed instantly, "immediately" (v. 7). Fifth, the miracle was so complete and public that no one could deny its reality, not even the enemies of the new faith (4: 16). How different from the “healing rackets” of modern days! Golden Text Illustration A cts 3:6 In value, wealth or unusual abilities cannot compare with the testimony of a life consecrated to Christ, as is shown in a story told by G. T. Dowling in Aquilla Webb’s O ne T hou sa n d Evangelistic Illustrations: “Many years ago a young fellow by the name of Wray, a student at Princeton Col­ lege, applied for appointment as a foreign missionary. He was a thoroughly good man, but not very quick in respect to learn­ ing, and when he reached the field of his prospective labors he found it difficult to master the language. But though the simple natives could not understand his talk, they could understand his walk. One day . . . the question was asked by one of their teachers, ‘What is it to be a Christian?’ And none could answer. But finally one pointed to where this young man sat, and replied: ‘It is to live as Mr. Wray lives.’ " — S elected . At the Beautiful Gate A cts 3:1 to 4:22 Memory Verse: “O give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good” (Psa. 106:1). Approach: Peter and the other disciples not only could speak boldly now, but also could work miracles. Lesson Story: One day Peter and John went into the temple to pray. There in the

Jesus, still Peter and John were not afraid. They were so brave that their enemies looked at them with surprise. They knew that Peter and John could not act like this of themselves. They knew “that they had been with Jesus." Object Lesson N ot G uilty Objects: A pint jar, red gasoline, and clear water. (Cover the jar with light grey paint or paper, with the exception of an opening in the back about three inches wide, and two openings in the front—one the shape of a cross near the top, and the other the profile of a head near the bot­ tom. If red gasoline is not available, clear gasoline may be colored with bulletin red, ground in oil, a color for paints. Put enough clear water in the jar to cover the head, and fill the remainder of the jar with red gasoline.) Lesson: In thinking of the words of Christ, “Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature,” we need to remember that the only thing for us to do is to obey. If we cannot go in person, we can go by praying and paying. Peter was on his way to the temple with

John to pray, and a lame beggar asked for some money. Peter had no money to give, but he said, “Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee.” He had the Lord Jesus Christ, who was much better than money, and in the name of Jesus the man was healed.

This jar reminds me of Peter. You will notice that the face on the jar is clear. The cross on the jar is red. Peter was clean of his responsibility, because he had given Christ to the lame man. No matter how I shake this jar, the cross still stays red, and the face clear. Each one of us must lift the cross of Christ and tell of His death, if we want to be clear of our responsibility to those who do not know Him as Saviour. More Valuable Than Gold--“Yea, Than Much Fine Gold” u THE SUMMER BIBLE SCHOOL” THE ALL-BIBLE SCHOOL TH E PLAN Uses no handcraft—Lifts up Christ—Focuses the Scriptures on Him—Traces predic­ tions of His Coming in the Old Testament—Finds Him manifested in the New Testa­ ment. Systematic, definite, clear-cut, orthodox—Study clusters about “The Way of Life.” Five weeks course—five days per week—three hours per day. NON­ SECTARIAN. TRIPLE COURSE OF STUDY: COMPLETE COURSE: Twelve Years, pre­ ceded by one Kindergarten year and followed by two Post-Graduate years. Promotion from year to year. Annual Commencement and Diplomas to graduates. Fascinating from start to finish—unbounded enthusiasm, marvelous results. Endorsed by the late Dr. James M. Gray, William Jennings Bryan and scores of ministers of different denominations. After 27 years of “Summer Bible School ” in the Third Presbyterian Church interest remains unabated and the School has the wholehearted support of the Church and the good will of the entire c i t y T h e plan is now in operation in 37 states, Washington, D.C., Canada, India, Korea, Mexico, etc. THE GREAT CONFERENCE relating to this All-important subject will be held in THE THIRD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH (Sixteenth Annual Conference) Broad Bi Potter Sts., Chester, Pa., January 26th and 27th, 1939. PLANS: The members of the Third Presbyterian Church and their friends take pleasure in enter­ taining the delegates in their homes and at the Church for two nights and the five meals beginning with dinner, Thursday evening. Conference opens at 1:30 P.M., Thursday. Registration fee $1.00 per person. 1. Memory Work 2. Bible History 3. Bible Geography

gateway lay a lame man. Every day he lay there waiting for people entering the temple to give him money, for he was a b e g g a r . He saw Peter and John com­ ing, and he asked them f o r mo n e y . Now they had no money, but they had

5 -Division

something better. Through the Lord Jesus, they had the power to make this man well; and more than that, they could tell him how he could have his sins forgiven. And they did both of these things. Peter took the man by the hand and told him: “In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk.” And, for the first time in his life, the man walked. How happy he was! He jumped up and down with joy. And how astonished every one was! A crowd gathered to see the man. Peter watched the people come. He was glad to see so large a crowd, because he wanted to tell them the gospel story of Jesus’ death and of His living again. Many people heard and believed, and although the same priests and scribes who had put Jesus to death, put Peter and John in prison for telling about

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