King's Business - 1939-01


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

January, 1939

B O O K S ON PROPHECY What of the FUTURE? What of Hitler and Naziism , Russia , Italy , Mussolini , Rome , and Japan? You may know the answer to many questions by reading the proper books. Order the following: “INTO T HE CLOUDS”

of living as befits those who have been called out of darkness into the marvelous light of the Lord’s kingdom. III. T h e E xhortation (1 Pet. 4:1-5) The believer belongs to another world, and has other passions, other delights, and other purposes, than the present world possesses. In the measure in which other­ worldly desires are sought, the believer will be delivered from this world’s pas­ sions and desires. Hence all self-indulgence is to be put away, not only respecting strong drink, but also all the other desires of the flesh, whether for clean or vile things. By this forsaking of all things for Christ’s sake, the believer will enter ever more fully into the joy of his Lord. Samaria " (Amos 6:1). This passage con­ stitutes a solemn warning to many in our own country today who, in the face of an almost complete breakdown of international security, are trusting in the mere physical resources of America instead of looking to the God of heaven. 2. "Pass ye unto Calneh, and see " (v. 2). The prophet invites these rulers of Israel, who were trusting in their own de­ vices, to consider the fate of other nations. In other words, let them learn from the les­ sons of history. 3. “Ye that put far away the evil day " (v. 3). This is a picture of a certain reck­ less optimism which is prevelant in our own day. No intelligent person imagines for a moment that moral and economic laws can be ignored and broken with impunity. They know perfectly well that we shall reap whatever we sow, that we cannot squander our resources without coming at last to a terrible day of reckoning. But, they argue, it will not come in our day. Let us eat, drink, and be merry today. Never mind the future generations. They will have to solve their own problems. And much of this is said in the name of “social progress.” 4. “That . . . eat the lambs out of the flock, and the calves ” (v. 4). This im­ provident action, with its callous disregard for the future, horrified the prophet. But we today have improved even upon the reckless rulers of Amos’ day, by killing the little pigs and using them for fertilizer! 5. “That chant to the sound of the viol” (v. 5). The English “chant” certainly mis­ represents the Hebrew verb, which has been variously translated as “prattle,4 or “jabber," or “quaver.44 They did not have radios in that day, but evidently they must have had some of the same kind of “noise” that today is an insult both to the intellect and the emotions. The modern “crooner” is obviously an ancient evil, the natural ac­ companiment of minds inflamed with wine. Points and Problems l | 4T hat.. .trust in the mountain of

Peter, the Holy Spirit exhorts believers to show forth the virtues of the Lord. Now He beseeches them to behave in such a fashion that those virtues will be seen. He exhorts them on the basis of what they are as believers: strangers (as to position) and pilgrims (as to practice). The proper response to such exhortation as the one contained in this passage is self' denial, that is, the abstaining from fleshly desires that war against the soul. The true believer has his eyes upon the unseen, his affections are centered upon heavenly things, and his efforts are directed toward the making of these things real in his ex­ perience. Believers are to be honest among others —so much so that others will be forced to give glory to God as they behold the be­ lievers’ manner of life. While we believe in, and teach, the importance of grace, without which nothing can be received from God, nevertheless we must not over­ look the consistent Christian practice that grace inspires. We should use this lesson to impress upon pupils the great importance U A R T E R S CHOIR GOWNS PULPIT ROBES • EMBROIDERIES HANGINGS • STOLES • VESTMENTS ALTAR APPOINTMENTS COMMUNION SERVICE NEW CATALOG on Request NATIONAL ACADEMIC CAP &GOWN CO; 821-23 ARCH ST. V PH ÎLADE-L'PHlA,PA. H I S J O Y by Norman B. Harrison The latest in the popular “His” series. A call to a life full of rejoicing. A rt stock cover, with extension edge; title in two colors; 48 pages; 25 cents. The Bible Institute Colportage Ass’n 810 North Wells Street » » Chicago, Illinois ORDER EARLY YOUR EASTER Communion Cups Send for Folder and SPE C IA L I OFFER at low prices. Glasses $1.00 I Dozen. Tray ana 86glasses $6.50 tip. Beautiful CHROMIUM - PLATED, Aluminum. Wood and Silver-plated I Services. Collection&Bread Plates, Pastor’s Sick Outfits, etc. T h o m as C om m union S erv ice . B ox 1214 L im a. Ohio SUNDAY SCHOOL Jjterature Q U A R T E R L I E S and P A P E R S following the Int. Uniform Lesson Topics A free sample pac\ with catalogue sent on request to any Sunday School official. Address UNION GOSPEL PRESS Box 6059 :: :: Cleveland, Ohio

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By Milton B. Lindberg, formerly of Palestine. Showing the significance of the World War and the meaning of “this” generation, “the” sign of our Lord’s return, and deals with many subjects, such as: War, Famine, Pestilences, Earthquakes, Germany, Russia, Italy, Rapture, Tribulation, Judgment. Price 25c; 5 copies, #1.00. PALESTINE AND THE JEW TODAY in the Light of Bible Prophecy By Prof. Milton B. Lindberg, formerly of Pal­ estine. This is a new and enlarged edition of a very remarkable book >on actual present-day condi­ tions in Palestine. 29 photographs and illustra­ tions. Price, 25c; 5 copies, #1.00.


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SIMPLE STUDIES IN REVELATION By Dr. Pettingill. Every believer should know Revelation. It is not a closed book. Dr. Pettingill has done a great service in presenting these Simple Studies in Revelation. The whole order of events is outlined very clearly, and this simple study is valuable to every one. Cloth, #1.00; paper, 50c. SIMPLE STUDIES IN DANIEL By Dr. Pettingill. Daniel is no longer a sealed book. Its prophecies of the time of the end, the Times of the Gentiles, the Revival of Rome, the Preparation for the Manifestation of Antichrist, a World Dictator and Armageddon, may now be seen. Daniel’ and Revelation should be studied together^ Know Daniel. These Simple Studies in Daniel, in cloth binding, #1.00; paper, 50c. THE GREAT TRIBULATION By Dr. T. Richard Dunham. Foreword by Dr. Pettingill. In its _twentieth thousand. Very clear and Scriptural, sixth edition. Price, 25c. UNVEILING THE FUTURE Twelve prophetic messages by twelve authors including Rimmer, Gaebelein, Riley, Trumbull, Gray, Brooks, Sale-Harrison, Barnhouse, Brum­ baugh, Brown, Pettingill, and Dunham. Highly recommended. Widely read. Cloth, #1.00. —o—■ Order Several of the Above FUNDAMENTALTRUTHPUBLISHER,May,0.

Golden Text Illustration R omans 14:21

There is a house near the seacoast in California, built entirely of the fragments

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