King's Business - 1939-01


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

January, 1939

High Schoo l Cou rse at Home Many Finish in 2 Years Go as rapidly as your’time and abilities permit. Course equivalent to resident school work — prepares you for entrance to college. Standard H . S. texts supplied — Diploma. Credit for H. S. subjects already completed. Single sub­ jects if desired. High school education is very important for ad­ vancement in business and industry and socially. Don t be handi­ capped all your life. Be a High School graduate. Start your training now. Free Bulletin on request. No obligation. ^American School, Dpt. f H135 Droxel a t 58th, Chicago PACKING . SHIPPING . STORING We Sell Furniture and Floor Coverings Phone ALhany 0 1 5 9 6060 North Figueroa MOVING Since 1910 Everywhere Los Angeles


circles whose lives, spiritually blighted and dwarfed, tell the same sad story. —S. D. G ordon . It is possible to overcome every tempta­ tion—no matter how subtle or how terrific —that' may face your life today. Victory comes through dependence upon the Victor, the Lord Jesus Christ. Keep “looking unto Jesus.’’— S elected . "Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word " (John 17:20). For you, fellow believer, and for me, in the great love of His heart, His voice reaches the ear of the Father. Oh, the mar­ vel of it! He had us on His heart before the world was, He had us on His heart amid the blackness of Golgotha and the sorrows of His abandonment by God, and He has us on His heart in glory. Pre­ cious Saviour! Oh, let us ever keep in mind the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge!— J ames B oyd . FEBRUARY 6 Insipid Christians "So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot. I will spew thee out of my mouth " (Rev. 3:16). Can you imagine any prominent one in the political world who is merely luke­ warm? Can you imagine any one carrying through much social reform if he were lukewarm? Why is it that in the spiritual realm, which is the most important of all, men and women can be lukewarm? Yes, lukewarm in face of our Lord's burning zeal, in face of His flaming passion for the sons of men, in face of the fact that “he steadfastly set his face to go to Jerusalem” and to Calvary. “Lukewarm”! Are you not ashamed of it?—W. W . M artin . FEBRUARY 7 Go "Ye shall be witnesses unto me” (Acts 1 : 8 ). “GO! GO YE I N T O ALL T H E WORLD”— Was this the Master's parting word? And shall the gospel flag be furled While millions yet have never heard? Dare we the sacred trust forget? The great commission nullify? Deny the M m of Olivet While Christless thousands daily die? Nay! echoing through the circling years, Resounding round the arching skies, The heavenly thunder smites our ears— Evangelize; evangelize! Neglected, bleaching harvests waste, Must they through our neglect be lost? Lord stir us! Give us prayerful haste To tell the world—whate'er the cost. — S elected . FEBRUARY 5 Undying Love

FEBRUARY 1 A Man after God’s Own Heart “The Lord hath sought him a man after his own heart " (1 Sam. 13:14). There are men in the Bible of whom, had this been written, it could never have helped me as it does when I see it written of David—a man who did so fall and fail and stoop to sin. Why does it help me? Because it excuses sin? A thousand times no! But because it shows me that God's measurement of a man, and God’s ability to deal with a man, depend upon the deep­ est aspiration in that man’s heart; and that God takes the measurement of a man by what he wills to be, and not by the falter­ ing and failing of the moment. —G. C ampbell M organ . FEBRUARY 2 Revealing Light “The entrance of thy words giveth light” (Psa. 119:130). “Bother the sunshine! What a lot of dust it does make,” exclaimed a young ser­ vant girl as she drew up the blind one bright morning. We smile at her mis­ take, and yet do we not sometimes deceive ourselves into thinking that we are safer and more comfortable in the dark? Ah! there is no true soul-rest till we have learn­ ed to pray, “Search me, O God, and know my heart.” . . . If He raises the dust, it is that His temple may be cleansed and made “meet for the Master’s use.” —L. A. B arter S now . FEBRUARY 3 Barriers "But your iniquities have separated be­ tween you and your God” (Isa. 59:2). In the life of a Christian the one thing that is a barrier to communion, to abiding in God, is just this, that there is some cherished sin . . . It may be that you have looked upon your disobedience as a small thing; you have not even called it a sin. Just one thing! "One thing thou lackest.” One wrong medicine, and the patient dies. One missing anchor and the ship drifts. One error in business, and it may mean bankruptcy. It is often but one thing. —A. L indsay G legg . FEBRUARY 4 Set Aside “Ye were running well; who hindered y o u r (Gal. 5:7, R.V.). One of the saddest sights, and yet a not uncommon one, is to see a man who has been mightily used of God, but whose use­ fulness is now wholly gone. One can run back through only recent years and recall, one after another, those through whom mul­ titudes were blessed, but who, yielding to some subtle temptation, have utterly and forever lost their opportunity of service. The same is true of scores in more secluded


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