North County Water & Sports Therapy Center - December 2023


2. Am I doing a new exercise? If you’ve never done a jump squat or bench pressed 200 pounds, you’ll probably feel shaky the first time you try a full set. That’s because your body is adjusting to the new motions at a cellular level. Simply put, when you start a workout, your muscle fibers tell your muscle cells whether to contract or relax — and those fibers can get tired of doing their job. When one fiber becomes fatigued, your body adjusts to rely on another. Trying something new (essentially, asking your fibers to give new directions) can confuse your body and delay the tradeoff, making your muscles shake. 3. Am I pushing myself harder than I ever have before? When you amp up the intensity of your workout, your body will often do more muscle fiber “tradeoffs” than usual because you’re demanding more output. When too many tradeoffs happen at once, that can make your muscles shake. Muscle tremors aren’t always a bad sign. If you’re trying a new exercise or pushing for improvement, they’re part of the learning process! However, if you’re struggling with exhaustion or dehydration, or you think you’re overworking yourself, shaking can be a red flag. Consider reducing the intensity of your workout or taking a rest day. When in doubt, discuss the issue with a physical therapist, especially if you’re recovering from an injury.

Imagine you’re running through a basic exercise routine. You feel good, so you push yourself harder than usual — and your muscles suddenly start shaking! Every athlete has experienced that moment of panic when tremors hit. But have you ever wondered why your muscles shake? The answer is more complicated than you might think. Shaking muscles can mean at least three things: You’re underprepared for your workout, pushing yourself too hard, or breaking new ground and building muscle! To figure out which option explains your scenario, ask yourself these questions: 1. Did I drink plenty of water today and get at least seven hours of sleep last night? If not, your muscles could be shaky because of dehydration or fatigue. LAUGH THERAPY


10 oz semisweet chocolate, chopped

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2 tbsp granulated sugar 1/2 cup heavy cream

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4 tbsp butter

4 large eggs, separated

DIRECTIONS 1. In a medium heatproof bowl, add chocolate and butter. Set the bowl over a saucepan of barely simmering water and stir until chocolate and butter are melted and blended, then remove from heat and let cool slightly. 2. In a medium bowl, beat egg yolks until thick. Then gradually add melted chocolate mixture, stirring until blended. 3. In a separate bowl, beat egg whites until foamy. Then gradually add sugar, beating until stiff peaks form. 4. In another bowl, beat cream until stiff peaks form; fold egg whites and then cream into the chocolate mixture. 5. Pour into individual serving dishes and chill for 3 hours or until set.

3 (858) 675-1133

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