BayState_Sciatica and Back Pain


WHAT CAUSES SCIATICA? Educate yourself on your symptoms and what they mean.

Our physical therapists at Bay State PhysicalTherapy are health care professionals who diagnose and treat people of all ages. From newborns to the elderly, we treat various medical or other health- relatedconditions.Thesymptoms of these conditions may or may not be painful, limit movement, and impact performance of functional activities. Here is where we can help: At your first visit, one of our physical therapists will perform a comprehensive evaluation to gather information about your symptoms, and the impact on your daily life. During the next partof theevaluation,ourphysical therapist examines you through various tests and measures.This allows for a better understanding of the root cause of your symptoms, and to determine the areas in which physical therapy canhelp.Beforeyou leave thefirst visit, the physical therapist will discusswithyouan individualized treatment plan and length of process. Through our hands- on approach, we work with you

to reduce pain, strengthen and improvestability,andprevent loss of function. Our comprehensive evaluations are performed on patients with all diagnoses, ranging from orthopedic conditions to neurological impairments. Throughout your course of care and upon discharge, the physical therapist will provide you with home exercise programs to help decrease pain, improve strength and flexibility and promote a healthierandmoreactive lifestyle. Through decreasing your symptoms and improving your function, you will be more confident in your abilities. In the continuation of your home exercise programs, as well as participation in other forms of exercise, you can improve your overall health. Schedule your evaluation today, and see how Bay State Physical Therapy can help you!

Therearemultiplecausesofsciatica. In some cases, sciatica occurs when one or more of the discs in the low backareherniated. Itcanalsohappen if the spinal cord or nerves coming from the spinal cord are compressed - a condition called spinal stenosis or neuroforaminal stenosis. As we age, our backs undergo a lot of stress. This stress takes a toll, causing inflammation in several areas. If this inflammation reaches a certain point, it may compress these nerves — resulting in pain. What Are the Symptoms of Sciatica? Sciatica typically presents as a pain radiating from the lower back. Often, this pain extends to the buttock, radiates down the leg. If you’re suffering from sciatica, you might feel the discomfort anywhere along thisnervepathway, from the lowback to the foot. The symptoms can include pain, numbnessand/or tinglingandmuscle weakness.Thesesymptomsoriginate

from thecompressednerve in the low back. Without treatment, the injury to the nerve can result in long term pain weakness, loss of sensation, and possibly impact your day to day mobility. How Physical Therapy Can Help with Sciatica Ifyou’reexperiencingsciatica,contact a physician immediately. Medical News Today asserts that over-the- counter painkillers may alleviate pain, but in-depth physical therapy is often needed. Physical therapy can reducesciaticasymptomsbycarefully introducing exercises and manual treatments. These treatments, handpickedbymedicalprofessionals, cancompletelyeliminatesciaticaover time. If you’re experiencing back pain, don’t wait.Calloneofourprofessionalstoday, andaskaboutphysicaltherapyoptions. Yourhealth is important,andyourback canabsolutelybehealed.Forhelpwith your pain call 1-866-296-BSPT today!


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