King's Business - 1967-08

The Certain Sounds, a vocal and instrumental group, perform during their Easter week engagement at the CHI CHI Club in Palm Springs, California.

city council and administrative officials. The Palm Springs encounter will long be remembered by those who participated. More than this, it has set an excellent pattern for other similar thrusts in spiritual­ ly needy areas for the future.

the previously known moral prob­ lems, vandalism, and other de­ structive measures had greatly been reduced from past years. Civic leaders were quick to praise the effort as being a real mile­ stone in achievement. Special commendation was made by the

ance musicians left the stage and, along with other Christian team­ mates, spoke individually with the hundreds of young people seated at tables. They shared with them a personal witness for Christ. The results were not only spir­ itual. Police report that much of

Far le ft: The Certain Sounds trio (l. to r. Tina Peterson, Linda Young, and Jackie Schloss) ; Center: Darrell Rodman, arranger and director o f The Certain Sounds instru­ mental segment. Far right: Vocal section o f The Certain Sounds, directed by John Gustafson.



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