King's Business - 1967-08

Disturbed About Cocktails

By Lillian P. Danielson W here does tax-payers’ money go? The Woman’s Christian Tem­ perance Union was holding a meeting in Evanston, Illinois April 3, 1959. A Professor from the University of Illinois an­ nounced at that meeting that about 12,000,000 cocktails a year were served by the State Depart­ ment to persons it entertains. The Chicago Tribune printed the arti­ cle. The World Almanac of 1959 reported as facts the following statements: 35,910 liquor laws were broken in the United States that year; 768,849 arrests for drunks that year; and the total arrests for crime were 2,068,677 in 1959. Does the liquor tax pay this bill ? Who pays for the building of the jails and prisons that board these people free part of the year? Who pays for 12,000,000 cocktails in Illinois in 1959 plus all the other 49 states that are serving cocktails? Who pays the cost of arresting 2,068,677 people and then their court proceedings, plus salaries for extra policemen? Who pays employees in our jails? Who pays for extra care for their families when they cannot sup­ port them? Isn’t it about time the non­ drinkers in the United States find out just how much they are pay­ ing of the liquor bill of those who drink in Government circles, let alone all the expense elsewhere? Who is subsidizing the liquor business? Are we the people of the U.S. Government subsidizing the liquor business or the liquor business subsidizing us by the taxes they pay? Our slogan today is, “The peo­ ple have a right to know why we have to serve so many cocktails ?” BH

#70 Bong Hyun

Rescued Castaways! . now will you choose one

#441 Hyung Bae

of these little ones to sponsor? Imagine it if you can. Some of these precious little chil­ dren abandoned, some actually left to die, others orphaned . . . hungry, stealing to stay alive . . . lonely, crying for someone to care. How they survive until they’re rescued by Compassion only God knows. Thousands have found their way to Compassion’s doors Perhaps through a police officer, a distant relative, a kind but destitute neighbor, they

reach one o f our 171 Homes. Here the thoughtfulness and generosity o f thousands of American sponsors help Compassion provide nearly 22,000 children with shelter, clothing and food as weU as medical care, competent schooling and Bible training. All in an atmosphere of warm concern. Yet many more sponsors are needed After they’ve survived, our heart just won’t let us turn them away. Yet to support all o f 13 Jun*So° them, we need your help. Today, you can choose to sponsor one o f these little rescued castaways. From the modest investment o f $10 a month, you’ll be thrilled as “ your” little boy or girl shares letters, photos and other remembrances with you. Your heart will say, “ He’s more than worth it!”

#12 Kum Sook


SPONSORS Compassion will send a pair of lovely, colorful Korean Baby Shoes to each new sponsor.

DID YOU KNOW ? COMPASSION . . . Cares for nearly 22,000 Korean children. Maintains 171 Homes (includes 11 homes for children of lepers; deaf, dumb, and blind children), supervised by Christian staff and directors. Provides more than 27,000,000 meals each year. Awarded highest recognition by the Korean government. LARGEST WORK OF ITS KIND IN KOREA (jm /M sik Rev. Everett F. Swanson, Founder Interdenominational, Gov.-approved Non-profit Corporation— Est. 1952 Dept. K87 7774 Irving Park Rd., Chicago, III. 60634 Compassion of Canada Ltd., Box 880, Blenheim, Ontario Sponsorship or gifts tax-deductible.

Rev. Henry L. Harvey, Pres. □ Yes, with God's help, I want to sponsor a child for $10.00 a month. I enclose support for □ first month □ one year. I understand I may discontinue at any time. My choice is Number_________If this child has been chosen, please send case history and photo of child you select for me as soon as possible. I prefer □ boy □ girl, approx­ imately _____years of age. □ Please select a child for me and send particulars at once. □ Please send folder, "Information About Sponsoring Korean Orphans." □ I cannot sponsor a child now, but want to help by giving $____________ enclosed.







AUGUST, 1967

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