King's Business - 1967-08


Wilma Mae Becomes A Princess

Wilma Mae had always wanted a watch like this. Would Mrs. Green ever really miss it?

by Anne Hazelton

“ Let’s read another verse and see how God says your sins can all be taken away.” “ ‘Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world!’ that is John 1 :29. Do you know who the Lamb of God is, Wilma?” “Why, yes, it’s Jesus.” “Yes, that is right, and if you believe that the Lord Jesus died on the cross for your sins, and if you will ask Him to take away your sins, why, He will do it. Do you want Jesus to take away all of your old black sins?” “Y-yes,” came the low answer, a little uncertainly. “Well, then, just bow your head and ask Him to, and He will.” But Wilma Mae shook her cur- ly head. “ I-I can’t, Miss Doris,” she sobbed. "Not today,” she fin­ ished more firmly. “But why not, dear? The Bible says, ‘Now is the day of salva­ tion.’ ” “ I know, but I can’t today.” She hoped Miss Doris would not ask her any more. Then seeing the troubled look on her teach­ er’s face, she threw her arms around her neck and whispered, “ I’m sorry, Miss Doris, that I’ve

W ilma M ae had heard every word the Sunday school Su­ perintendent had said as the fa­ miliar story of the lost lamb was told. Indeed, it just seemed that she, herself, were there as the shepherd set out to look for the lost lamb; and when he had found it and picked it up gently in his arms, Wilma Mae had all she could do to keep back the tears that wanted to come. She had heard the story many times from Mother and from Miss Doris, her own Sunday school teacher, but it seemed new this morning. The Superintendent was speak­ ing again, and this time she was asking, in her earnest voice, how many had accepted Christ as their Saviour and knew that they were saved. Wilma Mae started to put her hand up, and then she drew it slowly down again. “ I don’t know,” she whispered to herself, “ I wish I did.” She was very thoughtful all during the class period and was a bit startled when her teacher said, at the close of the class, “Wilma Mae, will you stay for just a minute? I should like to talk to you.” “Uh-huh,” she agreed, rather

reluctantly. What could the teach­ er want to talk about? “ Let’s sit down here,” Miss Doris suggested. “ I noticed this morning, dear, that you didn’t seem to know whether you’re saved or not. Would you like to be saved?” “Yes, I would,” Wilma Mae re­ plied earnestly. “Well, let’s turn in our Bible and see how God says you can be saved. Here let’s read this verse. It is Romans 3 :23 and says: ‘For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.’ How many does ‘all’ mean, Wilma?” “Why ‘all’ means everybody in the world.” “ Then it means you, doesn’t it?” “ Yes, it means me, too.” “Do you believe God’s Word is true? Do you believe that when God says you’re a sinner, you are a sinner, Honey?” “ Yes, I believe that,” Wilma Mae answered firmly and wrig­ gled uncomfortably. Did Miss Doris know what she had done? “Well, then, if you’re a sinner, you need some one to take away your sins, don’t you?” “Yes.”



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