King's Business - 1967-08

Two facts stand out in this report which seem to be o f spe­ cial significance as related to the church life and our country. One is that the vast majority o f these youthful drug users come either from broken homes or from homes where there is very little, if any, satisfactory home life. The second fact is that the users claim that these drugs are no more harmful than alcohol which is so fully sanctioned by modern society. In both cases, it is the older generation which is severely indicted. Alas, we o f the older generation must admit that this indictment is only too accurate. Justifiably, we are shocked at the widespread addiction to these drugs by the younger generation. The stupidly inconsistent posi­ tion, however, on the part o f the older generation lies in the fact that we are not equally appalled at the universal use o f cigar­ ettes and alcohol. These are accented as a part o f modern life even in the most respected circles. Why haven’t these youthful drug addicts as much right to the drugs o f their generation as the older addicts to the drugs o f their generation? We believe the logic is irrefutable. O f course, this is no way condones the use o f destruc­ tive drugs such as those so popular among the oncoming genera­ tion o f citizens. We are only lifting our voices once again con­ cerning the damnable use o f tobacco and alcohol by such a large segment o f the American public. The organized church has remained silent for almost a generation in regard to the evils o f the smoking and drinking habits. Sanitariums and mental institu tions throughout the land are filled with hopeless addicts or alco­ holics. Yet, seldom, if ever, do we read any pronouncement by any o f the leading denominations, urging legal curtailment o f the sale o f these drugs or emphasis upon the moral implications o f the use o f tobacco and liquor. It is left for secular magazines like The Reader’s Digest to wage an important but rather futile battle against the widespread use o f tobacco, not from a moral point o f view, but purely from a practical and health standpoint. T o try to get legislation against the use o f tobacco and liquor would create a great yowl and howl on the part o f users who loudly pro­ claim that their rights are being infringed upon by the "do gooders.” Yet nothing whatever is said about the problems that are created for the "do gooders” by those who indulge in the extensive use o f tobacco and alcohol. Police departments and courts o f justice spend an abnormal amount o f time dealing with problems directly created by the users o f alcohol. County welfare agencies, sanitariums, and other public health agencies are required to spend an abnormal amount o f time dealing with physical con­ ditions brought on directly by the excessive use o f tobacco. The “ do gooders” o f necessity must help in the support o f these agen­ cies, organizations, and institutions. Therefore, we would very respectfully suggest that we do have a right to have a say in the sale and use o f these drugs. It is one thing for an individual to live like the devil’s very own, wrecking his own life and health, but it is'something else again when a large segment o f the public which does not indulge in that sort o f business has to come to his aid in (Continued on Page 25)'

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AUGUST, 1967

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