Weddings and Ceremonies in West Sussex

We would like our dog to be our ring bearer – is that permitted? Animals as ring bearers may be permitted at venues subject to the prior agreement of both the venue and the Superintendent Registrar. Please contact us to discuss this. Do I sign the schedule in my new name? On the day of your ceremony you will sign in the name you are using to contract your marriage, regardless of any changes you wish to make after your wedding. Do I need to re-registermy childaftermarriage? According to law, a child’s birth will need to be re-registered if the parents have entered into a marriage or civil partnership with each other since the birth. To find out more information on how to re-register your child, please visit our website: ht t ps : //www.wes t sus sex . gov. uk/b i r t hs -marriages-and-deaths/bir ths/re-register-a- birth or contact us on 01243 642 122. Can we have a ceremony outside? We have licensed structures in the gardens of some venues. (see page 41) Legislation to permit outdoor ceremonies in the grounds of licensed venues has been made permanent This only applied to preapproved areas within licensed venue grounds. Please check with your venue if they offer this. How do I change the name on my passport prior to my marriage/civil partnership ? To amend your passport before your ceremony, you need to complete a standard passport application form and also a PD2 form which you can obtain: • from any Post Office that offers a check and send service

• from any regional passport office • by calling the Passport advice line on 0300 222 0000 who will send it to you • by downloading it from the website After you have completed your section of the PD2 form, the Superintendent Registrar will also need to complete part of the form. Please take the form into the West Sussex Register Office in Crawley during opening hours and we will gladly do it for you – you do not need to make an appointment and there is no charge for this service. Alternatively, you can post the form to the ceremonies team at WSCC, Southgate Avenue, Crawley, West Sussex RH10 6HG and we will sign and return it to you. This can only be signed once your notice of intent has been given. Can I have both my parent’s names included on my certificate? It is possible for up to 4 parents to be included in the registration for each partner. A parent includes your natural/adoptive parents and step parents if they are or have been married or in a civil partnership with one of your natural parents. Can I convert my Civil Partnership into a marriage? Yes, this can be done by booking a conversion appointment. You may complete the signing at the appointment or you can choose to have another ceremony where the signing can be completed in front of your guests. There will be a fee involved please contact us for details. If you have any further questions regarding civil ceremonies in West Sussex please contact us on 01243 642 122 or alternatively email us at



- West Sussex Registration Service

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