process is in place to manage student disciplinary issues. The programme has a designated Progress Mentor who will liaise with Course Leads Schools/Parents. Off-site Students are not allowed offsite whilst at College at any time due to safeguarding. Students who leave campus without permission will be moved to the relevant stage of the Back on Track process. Failure to comply with this will lead to Back on Track action. There are social areas for all students during limited break times. College Closure Days Schools and parents/guardians will be informed of the College’s closures via our website and 14-16 Programme Co- ordinator. Partners will also be noti ed in the event of adverse weather. Costings Education providers will be invoiced in two instalments. The cost to our partners and schools is £1200 for the year. Billing with come into effect on 29th September 2023 and the second instalment will be paid on 23rd February 2023. Each Shool partner must sign the College Service Level Agreement.
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