Council court case adjourned again
The charges resulted from an OPP inves- tigation of a series of email exchanges between the four following the 2010 muni- cipal election. The subject of many of the emails concerned Daniel Gatien, who was the city director for Clarence-Rockland at the time. Both Guibord and Choinière are seeking second mandates at the polls this month and each faces a challenger to their re-elec- tion bids. Félio announced earlier this year he would not run for a second term as the councillor for Ward 5 Clarence Creek. Flu clinics schedule Flu season is on the way and the Eastern Ontario Health Unit (EOHU) is scheduling its annual free flu clinics. Specific dates, times, and locations are listed in an online pamphlet at www.eohu.ca. The EOHU is also doing a community mail-out to every household in the Five Counties region. The EOHU urges residents to take advantage of the free flu clinics. Thosemost at risk include children between the ages of six months to five years, seniors aged 65 or older, and people with chronic medical conditions. Caregivers and emergency services person- nel are also urged to get their flu shots. For more information phone 1-800-267-7120.
GREGGCHAMBERLAIN gregg.chamberlain@eap.on.ca
L’ORIGNAL | The criminal court case in- volving three members of Clarence-Rock- land city council and a local lawyer is ad- journed once more. A provincial court judge granted a request from both Crown and defence attorneys for what was described as “the last adjourn- ment” during the Oct. 1 court session in L’Orignal. The case is now held over to the Nov. 12 provincial court session, two-and- a-half weeks after the Oct. 27 municipal elections. The case has been tied up with pre-trial conference in-camera sessions between the lawyers for the accused and the Crown Counsel’s office. When the judge asked the reason for the latest adjournment request, he was told there is an “ongoing discussion” between Crown and the defence counsels about whether the case will end up going to trial and, if it does, what possible trial dates might work for both sides. Mayor Marcel Guibord, Councillors Diane Choinière and Guy Félio, and local lawyer and developer Stéphane J. Lalonde are all charged with breach of trust. Lalonde is also charged with counselling to commit breach of trust.
BOIVIN / GUIBORD Pierrette Guibord, fille de Donat Guibord et Fleurette Lalonde, naît le 23 janvier 1949 à Rockland. Le 4 octobre 1980, Pierrette épouse Robert Boivin en l’église de laTrès–Sainte-Trinité de Rockland. Robert, né le 10 avril 1954 à Chénéville, est le fils aîné de Laurent Boivinet d’IdaiseBrazeaudeChénéville. En1970, la famille Boivin, composée de dix enfants, déménage à Rockland. Huit des dix enfants y demeurent encore. En 1981, Pierrette et Robert construisent leur maison à Rockland sur une parcelle de la terre familiale des Guibord sur la Vieille route 17, au bord de la rivière des Outaouais. De leur union naissent Anne-Marie le 11 mai 1983 et Marie- Lise le 11 mai 1985. Le 4 septembre 2010, Anne-Marie épouse Mathieu Rochon de Saint-Pascal-Baylon en l’église de la Très- Sainte-Trinité de Rockland. Ils sont les heureux parents de Cédric Robert, né le 1er novembre 2013. Le 12 juillet 2014, Marie-Lise épouse Sébastien Campeau de Bourget, en l’église de laTrès-Sainte-Trinité de Rockland. Aprèsdixansdanslafinance,Pierrettetravailleneuf ans pour la Banque Nouvelle-Écosse en tant qu’assistante- gérante. Robert est soudeur-rassembleur avant de devenir chef d’équipe dans une usine de structure d’acier à Ottawa.
Le 6 juin 2012, Robert décède d’un accident de travail. Selon les dernières volontés de Robert, Pierrette accepte de faire don de six organes de son époux à TrilliumDon deVie. Cette décision est très difficile pour la famille; cependant il est consolant de penser que les récipiendaires se portent bien et que Robert continue de vivre. Robert est inhumé au cimetière Ste-Croix de Rockland. Robert tu seras toujours notre héros.
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