Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal — 1031 Exchange — March 15 - 28, 2013 — 15A
M id A tlantic R eal E state J ournal 1031 E xchange
Alan Fruitman
John Harrison
Michael S. Brady
Michael Hines
Margo McDonnell
Christine Latulip
Pamela Michaels
Kim T. Schooley
Scott Saunders
Tim Snodgrass
Scott Rotkowitz
Featured in this Spotlight: Michael Hines, The Bancorp Inc......................................................... 17A Eastern 1031 Starker Exchange, LLC.................................................. 18A Stan Freeman, Exchange Strategies Corporation................................... 19A Alan Fruitman, 1031. tax.com............................................................. 20A Tim Snodgrass, J. D., AXXCESS Capital............................................. 21A Scott Rotkowitz, Esquire, IPX1031..................................................... 22A Scott Saunders and Pamela A. Michaels, Esq., Asset Preservation, Inc. 23A Michael S. Brady, Esq., CES, Riverside 1031....................................... 24A Christine Latulip, Edmund & Wheeler, Inc.......................................... 25A Margo McDonnell, CES, 1031Corp..................................................... 26A Real Estate Investment Securities Association, Inc............................... 27A Kim T. Schooley, 1031 Accomodators.................................................. 28A
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