C — March 15 - 28, 2013 — Pennsylvania — Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal
C entral PA
ORK COUNTY, PA — ROCK Commer- cial Real Estate Rhino Realty Group reps landlord in 812 s/f retail lease ROCK Commercial reps buyer in 7,383 s/f commercial building purchase for $1m Y 2820 Whiteford Road Rely on Rock 700 Willow Springs Lane transaction. · Wellspan Properties, Inc. bought a 7,383 s/f free stand- ing commercial building on 2.77 acres at 1401 Roosevelt Avenue inYork for $1,000,000 · ClaudiaAlejandres leased 3,100 s/f of small shop space at 103 North Broad Street in Hallam. ROCK represented both the landlord and the tenant in this transaction. · Mercury Press leased 2,800 s/f of industrial space at 209 High Street, Rear in Hanover. ROCK represented both the landlord and the tenant in this transaction. · Infinity Therapeutic Mas- sage leased 1,200 s/f of pro- fessional office space at 875 Clare Lane in York. ROCK represented both the land- lord and the tenant in this transaction. · Nicole Wildes and Debra Doubrava leased 1,156 s/f of professional office space at 50 Mount Zion Road in York. ROCK represented both the landlord and the tenant in this transaction. brokered 39,427 s/f of sold commercial real estate and 121,918 s/f of leased space in York County, which includes Wellspan’s 7,383 s/f purchase of 1401 Roosevelt Avenue in York and Hanover Food Cor- poration’s lease of 108,000 s/f at 29 Barnhart Drive in Hanover. SETTLEMENTS · Greg Knacksteadt bought a 32,044 s/f light manufactur- ing building on 5.80 acres at 700 Willow Springs Lane in York. ROCK represented the seller in this $810,000 ROCK represented the buyer in this transaction. RATIFIED LEASES · Hanover Foods Corpo- ration leased 108,000 s/f of warehouse space at 29 Barnhart Drive in Hanover. ROCK represented both the Landlord and the Tenant in this transaction.
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· Clear Choice York, LLC leased 812 s/f of retail space at 150 Memory Lane in York. ROCKrepresented the tenant and Rhino Realty Group represented the landlord in this transaction. · KM Shower Door LLC leased 1,100 s/f of retail space at 2820 Whiteford Road in York. ROCK represented both the tenant and the land- lord in this transaction. · Red Falcon, LLC leased 3,750 s/f of industrial space at 60-68 Leigh Drive in York, PA in Manchester Township. ROCK Commercial Real Es- tate, LLC represented both the tenant and the landlord in this transaction. n
ROCK Commercial Real Estate, LLC, Susquehanna Commerce Center West 221 West Philadelphia St. Suite 19, York, PA 17401-2992 717-854-5357 Fax: 717-854-5367 www.rockrealestate.net
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