Oh!Mino - August 2020


Everyone knows how labor-intensive cleaning can be. A long day of scrubbing down your house is a great way to work your muscles and get your blood pumping, so crank up some tunes, grab a mop, and get ready to transform your cleaning routine into a great workout. To get physical benefits from cleaning, you need to turn up the intensity of your methods. Exaggerate your motions, pick up your pace, and keep your abs tight and knees flexed. Nearly any chore can be turned into an exercise, but here are some ideas to get you started. • Vacuum: Vacuum briskly nonstop for at least 20 minutes, switching arms as you go. For an added challenge, do lunges as you vacuum and remember to keep your toes pointed straight ahead and your knees bent at 90-degree angles. • Pick Up: Instead of simply bending over to pick up toys or clothes, do a squat with every item you grab. Remember to use your legs, not your back. You can also do squats while unloading the dishwasher or with any other chore that involves repeated bending.

until your muscles start to burn and make sure you’re switching arms as you go.

• Cook: It’s not cleaning, but it’s still a chore with useful downtime. While food is simmering or thawing in the microwave, do some pushups, situps, or planks to get your muscles moving. You can implement dozens of exercises to turn mundane activities into beneficial workouts. Some chores will burn more calories than others, but every bit of activity helps. Now’s the time to work your way to a cleaner house and a healthier you.

• Wipe Down: Whether you’re wiping windows or scrubbing appliances, do big, exaggerated arm circles


... continued from Cover

Published by The Newsletter Pro | www.TheNewsletterPro.com schedule your 20 minute download. Stay fit, my friend! –Michael 2). In next month’s newsletter, I’ll dive even deeper into why it works and tell you about using myself as a guinea pig. In the meantime, visit calendly.com/ mmaynard/professional-calls to make a supplement with this formula. It was just too good. Oh!mino came out of that eureka moment. Using NASA’s secret science, my team and I gained the exclusive license to the patents and then formulated our performance supplement to fit the needs of the fitness culture! Oh!mino simply promotes muscle growth, increases endurance, speeds up recovery, and does it all without dairy or GMOs. I know it sounds too good to be true, but believe me, the stuff works (if you’re not convinced, turn to Page

Inspired by Simple Vegan


• 1/2 cup oil (extra-virgin olive oil recommended) • 1/4 cup vinegar (apple cider vinegar recommended) • 2 cloves garlic, minced • 4 tbsp fresh parsley, finely chopped

• 2 tbsp dried oregano • 1/2 tsp salt (Himalayan pink salt recommended) • 1/4 tsp ground black pepper • Cayenne pepper, to taste


1. In a bowl, add all ingredients except cayenne and whisk until well mixed. If desired, add cayenne pepper a little at a time until you reach your preferred level of spiciness. 2. Serve immediately or, for an even better taste and texture, refrigerate for 1–2 days. 3. You may increase the batch size, but keep the ratio of oil and vinegar the same — 2-to-1. Store in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 3 months.

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