SOS: Building A Strong Core to Relieve Back Pain


A common aggravating activity for people with back or hip pain are transition movements such as getting out of bed in the morning. Even if you need to spring out of bed to make it to the washroom, taking the short additional time to get out of bed correctly can help prevent exacerbation of low back symptoms! The log roll transition helps minimize torque and flexion of the spine and allows us to ease into our day without any sharp pangs of pain. Do’s: 1. Begin lying on the back with both knees bent 2. Reach across your body to the side of the bed, grabbing the mattress or grab bar for additional assistance if needed. Try to roll onto the side with the knees and shoulders moving as one unit, minimizing any twisting through the torso. 3. Allow the lower legs to come off the edge of the bed as the top arm pushes you into a seated position.

4. Sit for a couple of moments to prevent any dizziness while standing up!

Don’t’s: Going from lying on the back directly into a seated position puts a lot of load and compression on the spine when it has not been primed to do so after 8 hours of inactivity! Hopefully these tips help manage your morning pains and prevent flaring up symptoms so that you may begin your day more comfortably!

Belmont Clinic Belmont Centre for Physical Medicine 564 Belmont Avenue West, Suite 301 Kitchener, Ontario N2M 5N6 TEL: (519) 743-4355

Campus Clinic University of Waterloo Student Life Centre

Elmira Clinic Behind Wellness Centre (Clock Tower) 3 Wyatt Street East, Suite 2 Elmira, Ontario N3B 2H4 TEL: (519) 669-1212

200 University Avenue West Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1 TEL: (519) 884-0767

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