Superior Health Center - March 2020


MARCH 2020

Our Pets Are Here to Give Us Love, Comfort, and Health I WOOF YOU

Nearly every U.S. household has at least one pet, and it’s not surprising why. Having a pet that you can care for, love, and be loved by in return creates a sense of companionship and a source of happiness. For many people, having a pet — whether that’s a dog, cat, fish, hamster, or bird — helps get them through the day.There’s nothing quite like heading home and knowing there’s a friend there waiting for you to return. We know pets are an incredible source of joy, but it may surprise you to learn that they also significantly benefit health. Many studies prove pets have a positive influence on human health in more ways than one.According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, a pet owner can experience lower cholesterol levels, blood pressure, and triglyceride levels simply by regularly taking their pets on a walk and playing with them. Pets also help their humans feel less lonely and can even help manage depression. Socialization and Exercise One of the best benefits of owning a pet, especially for dog owners, is walking. Dogs need regular walks not just to keep them healthy but also for mental stimulation; a dog fresh off a walk is far calmer than one who’s been inside all day.

But walking is also very beneficial for the dog owner.Walking is one of the best ways to exercise, and by walking the dog, you’re also walking yourself. Strolling around your neighborhood park or simply around the block is a chance to socialize. Getting to know other dog owners around the neighborhood gives you an excellent opportunity to meet new people and make connections.You can even start a routine to meet up with them as you both walk your four-legged friends. Emotional Benefits After being out of the house all day, there’s nothing more heartwarming than coming home to a pet that is thrilled just to see you walk through the door. Pets have a way of sensing when their owners are upset and can help them relax. Playing or cuddling with your best friend is one of the best forms of comfort. Not only does it help get your mind off what’s troubling you, but you’re also strengthening your bond with them. Seniors and Pets By providing a means and motivation for exercise and socialization, pets have a strong impact on their owners’ health, especially senior pet owners.As you grow older, it can be harder to go outside, and the feeling of isolation can

be devastating.With a pet, people have a companion to keep them company at home and give gentle encouragement to get outside for a little while. The Right Pet Choices If you’re considering adopting a pet, it’s crucial to think about which pet is right for you. One person may not be a bird person just as someone else might not be a dog person.Asking yourself the questions below can help you decide what type of animal ownership best suits you. • How much exercise does the pet need? • What type of exercise do they need? • How long will the pet live? • What do they eat? • What type of environment will they need? • Have I had a pet before? • What pet age is best for me? Pets help people tremendously by simply being themselves. If you want to be more active and get an extra boost to your day, consider adopting a pet.You’ll be giving yourself a loyal companion and best friend, and you’ll provide them with a wonderful home.



PATIENT STORY OF THE MONTH! Be Aware of the Symptoms Near the end of September 2019, Charles, a current patient of ours, had the opportunity to attend one of our many neuropathy seminars. He admits he hadn’t wanted to go because he often considered seminars to be boring. However, “This seminar was not boring,” Charles says firmly. An older friend of his persuaded him to come, and Charles is grateful he did, often referring to that experience as “fate.” Before he attended this seminar, Charles didn’t know that the numbness in his legs, the tingling in his knees, and the rash just below his knees were symptoms of neuropathy. With just one seminar, he realized what those symptoms meant, and he took action. A week later, Charles visited one of our doctors, who told him he’d lost over 90% of all feeling in his feet. He admits that this didn’t necessarily cause him any problems with his daily activities, but the fact that he could not feel his feet did pose another threat. “I could get glass in there or develop a diabetic condition, and it can become really serious.” For Charles, treating these concerning developments fits seamlessly with his personal philosophy of self- improvement and self-care. For over 40 years, he’s focused on taking care of his body. “I’ve been into self- improvement since my mid-20s,” he explains. “For a lifetime actually, and to me, this is just a continuation, an evolution of the process.” Charles knew that by getting checked out and going through treatment, he is ensuring his overall health and preventing any health risks that he may face in the future. After receiving treatments for two weeks, Charles says the feeling is already coming back to his feet. He now has tingling sensations in his feet and up to his knees and can feel his limbs when he walks. Plus, Charles is incredibly grateful to our staff and satisfied with his overall experience. “The staff here is great. It’s a friendly environment, and they will work with you on payment schedules. So I appreciate the way they’re doing things with me,” he says. Every month, our team at Superior Health Centers presents several seminars regarding neuropathy and the dangers it poses. If you’re interested in attending one of our informative seminars, call us at 888-530-6465 to find dates and times that work for you.

Meditation has different meanings for different people. Traditionally, the act of focusing one’s mind has been used in religious and spiritual practices around the globe. More recently, it’s become a popular method of relaxation. Now, new research shows that this ancient practice may have yet another benefit: pain management. In 2008, the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey found that over 100 million adults in the U.S. suffer from chronic pain due to conditions like arthritis and debilitating injuries. Because of this, care providers have become focused on finding ways to help patients manage these persistent aches. The sensation of pain is caused by a complex interaction of biological and cognitive factors, leading scientists to study how mental exercises like meditation can aid in pain relief. Anecdotal evidence regarding meditation’s ability to reduce pain has existed for as long as the practice itself. However, modern technology has given researchers the means to accurately measure the effectiveness of this age-old tradition.The Department of Health and Human Services has cited MRI brain scans as proof that meditation can lead to moderate pain reduction.These scans revealed that the same areas of the brain stimulated by painkillers are activated when the mind is in a meditative state.This supports the accounts of those who have reported better functionality after meditative sessions. With the ongoing tragedy of the opioid crisis, there is a dire need for pain management strategies that are noninvasive and not habit-forming, such as physical therapy. Meditation is easily accessible and can be used in conjunction with other pain relief strategies.Whether you sign up for guided meditation sessions, download one of the many mindfulness apps on the market today, or simply make time to sit and clear your mind for 30 minutes, it’s easy to add meditation to your normal routine. PRACTICE PAIN RELIEF The Benefits of Meditation


THE BENEFITS OF A PEDOMETER Tracking Steps, Setting Goals, and Improving Physical Fitness

In previous newsletters, we’ve written about the importance of walking and the impact it has on health.Walking is one of the best ways to improve physical fitness and cardiovascular and pulmonary fitness; plus it reduces the risks of strokes and heart disease, and as a bonus, it’s one of the easiest exercises to indulge in every day —walking only 30 minutes a day gives your body huge benefits! However, the problem with walking, like many other exercises, is motivation. Getting a walking buddy and setting time aside each day are great ways to get into the habit, but you can also set specific goals for yourself. Our recommendation is to get a pedometer and count your steps.This tool will help you set those goals, see how far you’ve improved, and give you the extra motivation you need.

According to Harvard Medical School, several studies showed that people who wore a pedometer walked 2,000 more steps than those who didn’t use the tool, ultimately resulting in a 27% increase in their levels of physical activity.While pedometers can encourage you to take more steps throughout the day, that alone doesn’t ensure the motivation to walk.This is where goal setting is important. The recommended number of steps per day for an average healthy adult is 2,000–10,000, which is about 5 miles.At first glance, this number looks overwhelming, but it gives you a good goal to shoot for with your pedometer

strapped to your side. Head out on a walk and see how many steps you take in an average day.Then work your way up.Try adding 500 or 1,000 steps in the next several days. For seniors or those with physical restrictions, walking 10,000 steps may be challenging or impossible. Even so, they may still be able to use or benefit from a pedometer. In these cases, the amount of steps you take doesn’t matter.What does matter is setting a goal that you can reach and hitting that mark every day. Whether your goal is taking 1,000 or 5,000 steps, your priority should be finding the best routine for you and your health.


Inspired by Bon Appétit


DIRECTIONS • 1 eggplant, peeled and chopped • 1 large zucchini, sliced into 1/4-inch-thick rounds • 2 tsp salt • 3/4 cup olive oil, divided • 5 sprigs thyme 1. Heat oven to 400 F. 2. In a colander, toss eggplant, zucchini, and salt. Let sit for 30 minutes and pat dry. 3. In an ovenproof pot, heat 1/2 cup olive oil. Add half of eggplant mixture, stirring constantly for 5 minutes. Remove vegetables from pot. 4. Tie thyme sprigs together with kitchen twine. 5. In the same pot, heat remaining 1/4 cup olive oil, and cook

• 1 large onion, halved and sliced 1/2-inch thick • 1 red bell pepper, chopped • 2 garlic cloves, sliced • 2 pints cherry tomatoes


onion, pepper, garlic, and thyme for 8–10 minutes. 6. Add half the tomatoes and cook for 5 minutes. 7. Stir in original eggplant and zucchini mixture and top with remaining tomatoes. Do not stir. 8. Transfer pot to oven and bake mixture for 15–20 minutes. 9. Remove pot from oven and remove thyme bundle before serving.


Published byThe Newsletter Pro |


17748 Skypark Cir. #240 Irvine, CA 92614 888-530-6465



1 2 3 4

The Best Companion You Can Have

Meditation and Pain Relief

1 Seminar Can Change Your Life

Taking 10,000 Steps


Poison Ivy Myths

What Do You Know About Poison Ivy? LEAVES OF 3, LEAVE THEM BE The days are getting

spread onto objects like doors or chairs, and you don’t have to touch poison ivy to have a reaction to urushiol oil. You cannot become immune to poison ivy. Urushiol oil triggers an allergic reaction in 85% of people, leading to the ensuing rash. Some people believe regular exposure to poison ivy can help develop an immunity to urushiol oil, but this isn’t the case. In fact, it’s just the opposite.About 15% of the population isn’t allergic to poison ivy, but the allergy can develop over time.The more you’re exposed to poison ivy, the worse your outbreak can become. If you touch poison ivy, do not pour urine on your skin to prevent the rash. Urine, vinegar, dirt, bleach, and even gasoline are common “treatments” for preventing or curing a poison ivy rash. None of these are effective, and some can really hurt you. If you’ve been exposed to poison ivy, your best course of action is to wash your skin with soap and water. Cleaning off the urushiol oil within 20 minutes of exposure can greatly decrease your odds of developing a rash. When all is said and done, the best way to treat poison ivy is to avoid it altogether.The next time you’re exploring the great outdoors, just remember: Leaves of three, leave them be.

longer, the temperature is rising, and the great outdoors are calling your name. It’s time to start planning your summer adventures! Just remember to watch out for the enemy of all outdoor enthusiasts:

poison ivy. Found in every state except Hawaii and Alaska, poison ivy — or more accurately, the rash-causing urushiol oil on its leaves — can quickly ruin a trip. Before you head out on your next outdoor adventure, make sure you get your facts straight. The poison ivy rash is not contagious. Many people believe the poison ivy rash can spread if the blisters pop, but the only thing that can cause the rash is urushiol oil.This is why it’s so important to clean your skin and wash your clothes as soon as possible. Urushiol oil can


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