Y12 Bulletin 08.03.24

This weekly bulletin contains the latest news updates across Year 12




I would like to thank parents and carers for all the positive feedback about SAFE day on Monday. The team at Kingston and Richmond Safeguarding Children Partnership produced excellent resources to support conversations about substance misuse. I really do believe that this collaboration across all schools locally will have

HOLIDAYS & NATIONAL DAYS Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month - March International Women’s Day - 8 March Mother’s Day - 10 March Start of Ramadan - 10 March British Science Week - 8-17 March EPQ Presentations - 13-14 March Year 13 Parents’ Consultation Evening - 4-6.30pm 27 March End of Spring term - 28 March Easter Holidays - 29 March-12 April Back to School - 15 April

made children and young people in our community safer. You can still sign up for the parent workshop in the wellbeing section below. On Wednesday I attended the Jack Petchey Speak Out Challenge to hear the 16 Richmond finalists. It is always a pleasure to hear young people talking so eloquently about issues that matter to them and so important that they have this platform. Furthermore, I am delighted to announce that our two entrants, Uma and Emilia secured first and second place respectively. Uma’s speech focused on her dual heritage, whilst Emilia spoke about how she had been empowered through playing rugby. This was very timely as on Tuesday this week our Year 7 students won the London Youth Games Rugby Tournament. Congratulations to all who took part in both events. Wednesday was also our D&T GCSE exhibition and what a fabulous display of our students’ work it was. The standard of work was incredibly impressive, with our students demonstrating not only tremendous creativity but also great skill allowing them to realise their ambitious designs. It was lovely to talk to the students about their work and see so many proud friends and families. Today is International Women’s Day and we have been marking this through assemblies and tutor time activities exploring this year’s theme of Inspire Inclusion. We hope that this will remind all our students that they can break down barriers, challenge stereotypes, and create environments where all women are valued and respected.

WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU! Send us your achievement stories and photos to share by email to info@waldegravesch.org STAY CONNECTED WITH US:

~ Ms Tongue, Headteacher


SUPPORTING THE PTA A little help goes a long way... Are you able to help out at our forthcoming Silent Auction Event? Sign up now!

Following Substance Abuse for Everyone (SAFE) Day, parents are invited to attend an online workshop run by the Daniel Spargo-Mabb Foundation on 21 March at 7pm. You can book your place in the workshop through this link. DSMF has a section of their website targeted at parents and carers, with regularly updated information about a range of substances, to ensure that you can be fully informed about existing and emerging risks. The page includes written information about cocaine, MDMA/ ecstasy, nicotine pouches and energy drinks; and updated information about nitrous oxide since the recent change in the law. It also includes short videos on topics including vaping, festivals and choice, risk and the teenage brain.



As we move towards the latter half of this term I want to remind students and parents of the silent study area we are fortunate to have here in the 6th form. This area remains silent at all times and students can use it for private revision. Students have designated work periods each day and these should be used for independent study. Students will find if they are using their work periods effectively this will free up some time in the evenings for other activities. Another reminder that Year 12 students have been encouraged to find a volunteering placement. This may be something they are already doing, such as helping with younger members in a sports club they attend. It has been really positive hearing about how some students are seeking out their own placements in the local community with various organisations and many wish to contribute to life here at Waldegrave by volunteering within school. On Tuesday the Sixth Formers were given an amazing opportunity to attend a free ‘taster’ session on storytelling and classics. The session was led by a Royal Holloway lecturer, Dr Efi Spentzou, who gave students the opportunity to consider the story of Pentheus, the King of Thebes, at a time of great unrest. Through role play and discussion attendees considered the themes of civil disobedience, rage as a positive or negative force, as well as community and compromise. By the end we had some very convincing King Pentheus’s! Parents will receive a monitoring report shortly on how their child is doing in each subject. This will instigate some timely discussions on how students are preparing for their mock exams. We recognise the pressure exams can bring and encourage students to pass on any worries they may have to their tutor, Head of Year and subject teachers.







Year 9/10 Football vs Hampton High

WON 8-0


London Youth Games Rugby Tournament



Year 7 Netball vs Christs

LOST 8-0


Year 8 Netball vs Christs

LOST 13-4


“ Letters From The Underground ” by Fyodor Dostoevsky

“ Letters From The Underground ” by Fyodor Dostoevsky (translated from Russian) is a deep dive into the human psyche from the perspective of a man who is overly negative and is criticising himself. It is in the form of a “confession” and explores the complexity of the man’s mind. I would recommend this novella to those who want a challenging but rewarding read, that will draw you in and intrigue you.

~ Recommended by Yasemin, Year 11 student


About the Children’s Book Project

Across London and the UK 1 in 4 disadvantaged children owns fewer than 10 books, whilst 1 in 8 has none at all. This has an impact not only on these children’s academic outcomes but also on their wellbeing, emotional development and sense of themselves as a reader. The Children’s Book Project directly tackles this ‘book gap’ and gifts donated books to targeted communities across the Capital. Over 500 schools, community groups, women’s groups and prisons nationwide put on book gifting events at which children are invited to choose a book to take it home and keep. The charity expects to gift upwards of 350,000 books this year. For more information visit www.childrensbookproject.co.uk

We are holding a Book Drive on World Book Day!

We are holding a Book Drive for the Children’s Book Project charity on 7 March 2024. Please bring in any books your children have grown out of so that they can find new homes with others across the local community. Alternatively you may wish to purchase an old favourite to donate. We can accept any children’s books in good condition. Please drop them off at the main reception.

Please contact us with any queries or problems you may have. To get in touch with a member of staff from your child’s year group, you can: Send an email to sixthform@waldegravesch.org Or you can contact the school via phone by calling: 02088943244 WALDEGRAVE SCHOOL Fifth Cross Road, Twickenham, Middlesex, TW2 5LH HOW TO CONTACT YEAR 12 HEAD OF YEAR AND TUTORS

The following items are not endorsed by Waldegrave School..

Being multilingual: A guide for parents

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