Origins Living 2024-2025 Brochure



G Pro Double Toilet Roll Holder with Shelf

Futura Optical Hand-Dryer 127054 Polished £495 W230 H310 D140mm - 1960 Watts Automatic Sensor

Gedy Rollpaper Dispenser with Safety Lock

Paper Dispenser with Safety Lock 2436-13 Polished £215 W280 H350 D100mm Material: Stainless Steel

2339-13 Chrome £95 W260 H106 D100mm Stainless Steel

2424-13 Polished £195 W310 H320 D125mm Material: Stainless Steel

Paper/Roll Dispenser 2426-02 White £94 W280 H250 D180mm Thermoplastic Resins

Paper Dispenser 2427-02 White £99 W280 H400 D140mm Thermoplastic Resins

Mini Jumbo Rollpaper Dispenser 2428-02 White £89 W270 H255 D120mm Thermoplastic Resins

Maxi Jumbo Rollpaper Dispenser 2429-02 White £99 W375 H360 D135mm Thermoplastic Resins

Sanitary Towel Bag Holder 2330-13 Polished Stainless Steel £32 W134 H90 D260mm Stainless Steel

Sanitary Bag Holder 2430-02 White £29 W98 H138 D38mm Thermoplastic Resins

Sanitary Bag Holder 2430-13 Chrome £44 W98 H138 D38mm Thermoplastic Resins

Retractable Clothes Line 270cm 2450-13 Chrome £55 Ø90 D60mm, Stainless Steel, Holding Weight 2kg

Square Tissue Box 2002-13 Polished £46 W134 H130 D134mm Stainless Steel

Rectangular Tissue Box 2308-13 Polished £64 W230 H120 D70mm Stainless Steel

Zefiro Hair Dryer 1200W 5053-02 White £145 W112 H380 D150mm IP20-Thermoplastic Resins

Grecale Hair Dryer with Shaver Socket 5054-43 Black/Chrome £260 W110 H295 D322mm IP20 - 1300 Watt


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