Origins Living 2024-2025 Brochure


With its timeless curved styling, Tecno Project is a great match to many round shape tap designs making it a versatile option for many bathroom interiors.

Open Toilet Roll Holder 116973 Chrome £65 W160 H110 D41mm

Toilet Roll Holder with Flap 116966 Chrome £76 W136 H114 D62mm

Spare/Open Toilet Roll Holder 116997 Chrome £57 W166 H50 D63mm

Double Spare Toilet Roll Holder 124312 Chrome £74 W282 H50 D67mm

Double Swing Towel Rail 116867 Chrome £104 W50 H66 D434mm

Double Toilet Roll Holder 116980 Chrome £86 W141 H210 D75mm

Metal Toilet Brush 052929 Chrome £138 Ø86 H420mm Includes wall mounting bracket

WC Brush Set 117000 Chrome £125 W103 H378 D154mm - Frosted glass

Metal Shelf 159598 Chrome £200 W500 H50 D120mm Material: Polished stainless steel

Grab Rail 37cm 052943 £77 W365 H60 D82mm

Angled Grab Rail 052950 Chrome £110 W428 H218 D122mm Reversible

Angled Grab Rail with Basket 052967 Chrome £155 W428 H218 D122mm Reversible

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