Britton Bathrooms - January 2025 Brochure

Viride This offset bath is available in either right or left handed options. The soft curves give this bath a contemporary feel and allows the piece to blend into its surroundings. offset

Left hand (as pictured) L: 1700 W: 750 (CGR38)


Right hand


L: 1700 W: 750 (CGR39)

Bath panel (Acrylic panel fully reinforced with GRP)

£355 £405

L: 1700 W: 750 H: 540 (R40) L: 1800 W: 750 H: 540 (R55)

Compatible wastes CW8, HOX.013CP, HOX.013MB, HOX.013BB, HOX.0351CP, HOX.0351MB, HOX.0351BB Overflow pre-drilled Acrylic panels are fully reinforced with GRP Tap hole option 0, 1, 2 (supplied un-drilled)

Saturn This unique back-to-wall bath makes the most of available space within your bathroom. Its smooth lines look the part in any contemporary setting. freestanding

Saturn freestanding modern bath With overflow hole pre-drilled W: 750 L: 1700 H: 625

£680 £560 £1240

Bath: CGM4N Surround: M4B Complete price:

Weight empty 31 kg Material Bath - Lucite Acrylic inner with Cleargreen reinforcement and encapsulated base board Bath Surround - Gel Coat surround with GRP reinforcement Tap hole option 0, 1, 2 (supplied un-drilled)

Compatible wastes CW8, HOX.013CP, HOX.013MB, HOX.013BB, HOX.0351CP, HOX.0351MB, HOX.0351BB Compatible overflow hole pre-drilled All prices inclusive of 20% VAT. For the most up-to-date pricing please visit our website.


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