Crosswater Brassware Brochure - January 2025



2 Outlet 2 Handle Trimset Must be installed with a concealed valve

2 Outlet 3 Handle Trimset Must be installed with a concealed valve

3 Outlet 3 Handle Trimset Must be installed with a concealed valve

2 Outlet 2 Handle Shower Bundle Includes: KL1000LBPC, WLBP1500RC+, FH684C, FH200C+ and SK963C Min 1 bar ◆ Chrome GTLKAI01 £1062

◆ Chrome KL1701LBPC

◆ Chrome KL2701LBPC

◆ Chrome KL2701LBPC




Concealed Thermostatic Valve Min 1 bar WRAS, KIWA & TMV2 Approved Product 2 Outlet WLBP1501RC_V2

Concealed Thermostatic Valve Min 1 bar WRAS, KIWA & TMV2 Approved Product 2 Outlet WLBP2001RC_V2

Concealed Thermostatic Valve Min 1 bar WRAS, KIWA & TMV2 Approved Product 3 Outlet WLBP3001RC_V2




DIAL SHOWER VALVES Dial push button technology, enables you to precisely control the flow of the water as well as the temperature. This innovative design is smart on the inside using pioneering flow-control technology.

Dial 2 Outlet Concealed Thermostatic Bath Shower Valve For bath filler Min 1 bar

Dial 2 Outlet Concealed Thermostatic Shower Valve & Handset For fixed head and shower handset Single mode shower handset included Min 1 bar

Dial 1 Outlet Concealed Thermostatic Shower Valve Min 0.5 bar

Dial 2 Outlet Concealed Thermostatic Shower Valve Min 1 bar

◆ Chrome DIAL_KAI_5

◆ Chrome DIAL_KAI_6

◆ Chrome DIAL_KAI_1

◆ Chrome DIAL_KAI_3





Dial 2 Outlet Concealed Thermostatic Shower Valve & Handset For bath filler and shower handset Single mode shower handset included Min 1 bar

Dial 2 Outlet Shower Bundle Includes concealed shower valve, fixed 200mm shower head and pencil handset (as shown) Min 1 bar

Dial 2 Outlet Shower Bundle Includes concealed shower valve, fixed 200mm shower head and Ethos 3 mode shower handset (as shown) Min 1 bar

◆ Chrome DIAL_KAI_11

◆ Chrome DIAL_KAI_14

◆ Chrome DIAL_KAI_17




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