Crosswater Brassware Brochure - January 2025

Tranquil 500 With tranquil rainfall and waterfall Two mode W: 500mm D: 500mm Min 1 bar ◆ Brushed Brass FH510F

Tranquil 500 Chromotherapy With lights**, tranquil rainfall and waterfall Two mode W: 500mm D: 500mm Min 3 bar ◆ Brushed Brass FHX760F £3995 ◆ Matt Black FHX760M £3995 ◆ Brushed Stainless Steel FHX760V £3995 ◆ Polished Stainless Steel FHX760C £3495


◆ Matt Black FH510M


◆ Brushed Stainless Steel FH510V ◆ Polished Stainless Steel FH510C



Waterfall For those moments when you need a truly refreshing shower our Tranquil 500 shower heads include a waterfall mode, delivering a cascade of flowing water directly from the ceiling.

Tranquil Rainfall Our tranquil shower heads include a built in cartridge that aerates the water, allowing you to enjoy a quiet cocoon of relaxing rainfall via the 576 nozzles without worrying about excessive water consumption.

**Products with lights requiring mains power must be installed by an electrical engineer in compliance with IEE wiring regulations.


*Subject to online registration

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