Crosswater Brassware Brochure - January 2025

Hot Gravity & Cold Gravity/Mains

Combination Boiler

Low Pressure Systems • You have a cold water storage tank in the loft. • You have a hot water cylinder. • You do not have a shower pump installed. If all of the above apply to your home, you can only choose products marked with 0.2 bar. If you live in a two-storey property, the downstairs areas will typically support products marked with 0.2 – 0.5 bar where the cold water tank is in the loft.

High Pressure Systems • You have a combination boiler that heats water on demand. • You do not have any storage tanks. • You do not have a shower pump installed. If all of the above apply to your home, you can choose any product from 0.2 – 1.0 bar.

Mains High Pressure

Pump Assisted

High-Pressure Systems (0.5 bar and above) • You have a booster pump fitted.

High Pressure Systems • You have an unvented cylinder with an expansion cylinder. • You have no cold water tank in the loft. If either of the above apply to your home you can choose any product marked 0.2 – 3.0 bar.

Where a gravity flow of water is more than 0.6lpm, this is known as a ‘Positive Head’ condition (e.g. when your shower head is positioned lower than your cold water storage tank). In this situation, a positive shower pump can be used. A Negative Head’ condition is when the gravity flow of water is less than 0.6lpm (e.g. when your shower head is positioned above the cold water tank level). In these conditions, a negative head pump must be used. Negative shower pumps will work in both positive and negative head conditions. So, for example, in a situation where there is a shower head above and below the water tank level, one negative shower pump can be used for both. By matching the pump output to the required flow, you can install any of our products e.g. a 3 bar pump ensures you can select all products marked 0.2 – 3.0 bar.


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