Abacus Bathroom Concepts 2025 Brochure

RETURN ON INVESTmENT A profitable investment in project business

10 YeAR AVAILABILItY GUARAntee – A SAfe InVeStment With us, your project will always be on the safe side, because Villeroy & Boch offers an availability guarantee of 10 years for all the core products from the O.Novo and Omnia Architectura collections for the commercial sector. Individual products can be replaced quickly and easily if need. In this way you save the cost of a complete renovation of your bathroom. VILLeRoY & BocH offeRS YoU moRe Products from Villeroy & Boch increase the attractiveness of your building and safeguard your return on investment (ROI). oUR BeSt! The new DirectFlush rimless WC generation permits quick and easy cleaning in compliance with the highest hygiene standards, such as in hospitals, for example. The innovative flushing technology ensures particularly thorough rinsing of the fully glazed inner bowl – without oversplashing thanks to the ledge. A further convincing detail is the maximum flush with just 3 or 4.5 l volume – in both highly frequented buildings and private households.

Villeroy & Boch Bathroom

Higher sales price

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800



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Sale of Villeroy & Boch bathroom

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Price of property with standard bathroom

Price of property with Villeroy & Boch bathroom

Sale of standard bathroom

conven with flu

Villeroy&Boch bathrooms increase the value of your property.

The more rapid sale of properties with Villeroy & Boch bathrooms helps to generate cashflow more quickly.

RetURn on InVeStment



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