American Consequences - March 2020

gets tangled up with our current health sortacare exploitation system. – Bill C. Kim Iskyan comment: Bill – yes, and double yes. One of my favorite quotes is from former U.S. defense secretary Donald Rumsfeld... “There are known knowns. These are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say, there are things that we know we don’t know. But there are also unknown unknowns. There are things we don’t know we don’t know.” All of those unknowns are what’s the problem just now. The answer to those unknowns? Another of my favorite politician quotes is from Viktor Chernomyrdin, who was Russia’s prime minister during much of the 1990s. “We wanted the best, but it turned out like always.” (It sounds better in Russian: Хотели как лучше, а

“useful idiots” has been trained and do actually believe “their” governments are in control and omni-powerful will wake up and realize they are not. – John B. Kim Iskyan comment: John, the whole idea that governments have the answer – to anything – is terribly misguided. Occasionally, they cause more problems than they create... and things turn out “like always” (see below). In rare occasions, governments actually do work (see below again). Re: Coronavirus Blizzard Hits the U.S. I suppose that Kim thinks the Washington Post tells the truth? Leave him in Singapore and cut the cable to his house. – Carl H. It’s easier to understand why Singapore is so much better at handling the coronavirus

epidemic as Mr. Iskyan says since it is the third- richest country in the world, per capita. Almost twice as much per capita as in the United States. It’s also small and much easier to control by the “rich” government. Mr. Iskyan didn’t mention this. So who catches the virus? The rich in Singapore, or the poor in the U.S.? – Arnold P. Loved your analysis, a good example of “when you don’t knowwhat you don’t know”

получилось как всегда .) The danger now is that the unknowns turn out... like always. Re: Who’s the Most Dangerous

Democratic Presidential Candidate?


The problem with these candidates is that none have figured how to pay for their

American Consequences


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