American Consequences - March 2020

The only way to change that is by YOU and ME shutting down our normal routines for a while to slow the spread of this new virus. like soups, beans, nuts, root vegetables, and cheeses. I will probably not go out to public places for the next few weeks either. Researchers now call this “social distancing” and it makes a lot of sense from a scientific point of view. The challenge will be to see if others will do the same. For example, spring break is coming up and that will spread the virus around the U.S. like a wildfire. (Sounding like a grumpy old man, I think we should ban the break to prevent the health care system from getting overloaded when kids return.) Speaking of banning... don’t be surprised if Trump comes back on TV, after the number of U.S. infections have suddenly jumped to 150,000, to declare even more bans on schools, gatherings, air travel, and possibly So, people didn’t know they actually had coronavirus until they’d already spread it around to many others. But by then, they had already spread it to dozens, if not hundreds, of people. Leaders also allowed health care workers treating quarantined patients to work without proper precautions, and without personal protection equipment (“PPE”). The only way to change that is by YOU and ME shutting down our normal routines for a while to slow the spread of this new virus. Do what I do and plan to not travel anywhere for a few weeks. I’ve slowly stocked up on staples,

they’re sick. If you have a mild fever, don’t reach for it right away. (A low-grade fever is between 98.6 and 100.4). A fever is part of your immune system working, and it gives your immune system more fighting power while you’re sick. But if your fever is bothersome (or higher than 100.4) or aches and pains are keeping you from resting, go ahead and take a dose. And remember to pay attention to how much you take. Too much Tylenol can lead to liver problems. Try not to take more than what’s recommended on the box. Plus, if I felt the need to take the maximum dose for more than a day, I’d head to the doctor’s office (after calling first of course). Finally, we always recommend movement. If you’re sick, you won’t feel like doing much, but I’d highly recommend taking this time to learn either some simple yoga moves or some simple stretching moves. But however you try to move, focus on breathing slowly and peacefully as you move around on the floor. Controlling your breath helps reduce anxiety, and balances the immune system and your response to colds and viruses. HOWWORRIED SHOULD I BE? Look, the real problem is that the United States doesn’t have enough health care resources to give proper care to everyone if a lot of folks get sick at the same time. With the exponential rate of infections we’re seeing, this could get ugly quickly. And to me this looks to be starting... mainly because government leaders have once again claimed to be testing, when in fact, they didn’t have tests.

American Consequences


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