Cannapages May/Jun 2024 Edition - Southern Colorado

Your quintessential cannabis directory complete with dispensary deals, industry satire, expert product reviews, business listings & more.

Dispatches from the Highlands

News from CannaTown MAY-JUNE 2024

Vol 10. Edition 5

$4.20 Cents


********* Reporters also say the constant smell of pooped diapers is a viola- tion of the gag order and making attendees sick - full story pg B17 "is lil' sleepy guy sure has gotten himself into a heap of trouble, mm-hmm."

Check out the Dilla Dining & Lifestyle, Page 16 Town awakes to nd a giant statue in the form of a boar and made complete- ly out of synthetic cheese. See Giant Boar............... ..........Page 12 Giant Statue Appears Giant Boar, Page 12 Costco Contest Golden Chocolate Tix, Page 8 Not even the Candyman could've predicted they'd be putting chocolate tickets wrapped around gold bars! See Chocolate Tix... ...................Page 8

Where to show my gyat Tik Tok Ban, Page 10 Basil Wilburforce considers all of the alternate channels to strut his illustri- ous back now that Tik Tok might go . See Tik Tok Ban...... .................Page 10 Vampires' Pinkerton Album Notes, Page 14 New albums, old albums -- they’re all game as Erickson takes on the soundtrack to your chill. See Album Notes. ..................Page 14 Scientists nd "Bertha" See Space, Page 11 Outside the observable universe, a con- joined knitting Grandma rocks. See Space................ ................Page 11 Dessert for breakfast News in Brief, Page 9 Weekly CannaScopes See Fortunes, Page 9 Today’s Coupons feature:

Deals In Your Area! Local Maps, Page 18

CP GIVEAWAYS VISIT OR USE THE QR BELOW ENTER UP TO ONCE PER DAY WIN THE HOTTEST Vapes, Bongs & Rigs! It cannot be overstated how much better your chances are of winning this than any lottery that exists today. Go Enter!

SOUTHERN COLORADO CANNABIS LISTINGS Addresses, Phone by Categories: Doctors . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Dispensaries . . . . . . . . . . 20 Hemp/CBD.. . . . . . . . . . 25 GlassShops ........... 25 VapeShops ........... 28

Lucky Cat Colorado Springs Page 39 Grant Pharms Colorado Springs Page 37 What's the Dilla Pueblo Page 57

21+ Tourist? Recreational Shops Listings on Page 20! FIND DOCTORS, GET MED CARD pg 19 **** SAVE BIG WITH COUPONS pg 31

Page 8

Dispatches from the Highlands

$4.20 Cents

CannaTown News

Costco puts chocolate tickets in gold bars

e Highest Authority Since 2009

Cannapages is a JohnsonConcept Company Published by

Nathan Johnson Micah Johnson Isaac Johnson Sales Director Dillon Rice Production Mike G. Customer Success Molly Norton Lead Developer Mike Morris Contributors Dan Henrickson Matthew A. Erickson Cover Art Justin Redmon Logo Aaron Draplin

OTHER HEADLINES Coppola unveils ery landll worth negative $65 million "Its the riskiest, shittiest thing anyone has ever done" pg 150 What you should know about moo goo gai pan pg 157 Ocean found beneath other ocean pg 166 Don't drink pure bird u pg 171 **Brought to you by Josie's Cauliower Enchiladas** “No Good” Costco has announced a new marketing campaign likely to unite both gold-diggers and chocolate lovers alike: ey've hidden ve tickets among the current global inventory of their popular one-ounce gold bars, which retail for about $2000, to award ve lucky winners a chance to visit Colly Costco, the strange wizardess behind the bulk retailer, at the Castle Costington. e tickets, made purely from thin chocolate, are likely to “melt and smear” on the gold bar, and the company said that anyone who thinks their bar looks like it was dipped in a turd, might be a winner, and not to eat it. Many have speculated about what goes on inside the Castle, from rumors of ve-gallon jars of pickles growing on trees; to a waterfall and river made purely of hotdogs. Some also say the entire operation is worked by “Grumpy Lumpy’s” who re- sent and sneer at those who double-dip at the samples counter. Within hours, the rst ticket was found by a crypto bro who bought 10 bars on a whim; several other purchasers found actual fecal matter. But the world is abuzz and jumping at the exclusive chance to see where two-pound blocks of cream cheese and giant gunnysacks of coee are magically created.

Find all our great coupons at DEALS.CANNAPAGES.COM 1-800-699-8169 Editorial | Sales |

Greater Denver/Boulder Southern Colorado

Copyright 2024 All Rights Reserved. No part of this publica- tion may be reproduced or reprinted without expressed written consent of the publishers. Every attempt has been made to ensure the accuracy of these listings and their inclusion. Cannapages does not accept responsibility or liability for any omissions or errors.

Vol 10. Edition 5

News from CannaTown

Page 9

CANNASCOPES : Discover Your Fortune! Aries - Your support alligator has been extra comforting ever since your support rat turned up missing. Taurus - at you spent your whole nest egg at the horse track really sucks. at you spent it all on tshirts and bratwurst sucks the worst. Gemini - It's not like you have to run a mara- thon, but you should probably get o your ass. Cancer - Well your Tesla just died again, but you should've known to put it in "baby duck mode." Leo - "Jack of all trades" is a strange way to say you're comfortable pooping in squalor. Virgo - e answers on your employee ap- plication were really smart, especially when you explored the duality of man.

Libra - You will nd tonight that a broken nose actually hurts more than a broken heart. Scorpio - Only you will go to the grave knowing exactly what you did for a Klond- ike Bar. Sagittarius - Barking like a dog was insuer- able. But piddling on the carpet is right out. Capricorn - No matter what people say about the latest studies, you want everyone to know you actually are a lazy stoner. Aquarius - People might respect you more if you stop wearing that moldy wae on your head. Pisces - It ain't just that you somehow walked all the way home in a mystery pair of high heels, but how are you wearing them in the shower?

What Came to Pass News in Brief

Health Experts Sound Alarm Over Banana Smoothie Lollipops for Breakfast - Far be- yond donuts, and having bid farewell even to the tasteless decadence of the Pop Tart, the latest trend in the breakfast lane is full-fat, full-guilt desserts straight out of Strawberry Shortcake . Between chocolate volcanos brim- ming with hot fudge, and beignets over a bed of frozen custard, it's safe to say Cannatowners have their fair share of options. But is it really a good thing? "We really have to ask where do we draw the line?" asked nutritionist Carl Bunkle. "It used to be considered o-putting to mash a whole package of Mint Oreos into a bowl of whipped cream to eat while watching cartoons. But now that it's routine, is it really safe to use peanut butter instead of whipped cream?" Experts also say the newly popular- ized breakfast banana smoothie lollipops, sell- ing out at Walgreens near the peelable mango gummies, are indeed delicious but "may also cause unwanted massive tooth decay."

You're not invited, please leave now, Pg B4

Stories in Today’s Other Sections

Sopping wet father-in-law wonders what you expected to happen .................................... E6 Sasquatch family turns out to be Eagles cover band ................................................ F2 It’s time to change the way we think about hacksaws .................................. ........ ...... G13 Ramen up ve cents .................................. H1

Page 10

Dispatches from the Highlands

$4.20 Cents


By BASIL T. WILBURFORCE Have you heard this hogwash about Tik Tok? at our great and noble statesman plan to dismantle it limb from limb? How doest they even consider such atrocities? Wherest will I show o my illustrious gyat? Wherest will I demonstrate my intense rizz if the cellular telephone application be banished? How darest these simps mess with the most sacred of our rituals, the very foundation of our collective mental health? Is it so easy for a couple of jits with an absolutely elementary grasp of reality and no followers, to tell us who and who we can’t watch cooking ne entrees out in the woods, or turning their faces into those of squirrels? What willst I do if it goes away? How will I proceed with living? Is there anything else? Every morning presents a new chance to scroll, post and live stream. Upon rousing from my repose, a brisk ablution serves to invigorate the senses, preparing me for the rigors of the day ahead. Attired in garments betting my station--slingshot leotard with nips bursting forth and my gyat rmly angled in the beams of light from behind the curtains--my ritual is to smake vaporizing contraptions with my followers. en I ven- ture forth, mind numbed, into the teeming thoroughfares, where a symphony of sights and sounds unfolds at every turn of my sele stick. Or at least, that was the old me. Ah, well, imagine this man of the city, brimming with intellect and sophistication, endeavoring to carve out a new existence amidst the rustic charm of the countryside in this godforsaken century. Yes, it is I, the epitome of urban renement, daring to ven- ture where few of my ilk care to tread, into the verdant embrace of agrarian pursuits. How willst I demon- strate my Rizz now if Tik Tok be Banned?

But who will watch me dab in the elds? Who will peek at me in my thong, vaping riverside, getting zooted with the fauna, as I demonstrate my headstrong freeness? Who shall check out my latest drip from the DabberHasher? Who will lol and share, as I slay the videos of the posers and stans out there? Who will watch me make goat cheese from absolute scratch, starting with the disagreeable task of milking the goat? Why wouldst I, attempting a daily existence amidst the clamor and commerce of human- ity beyond my perch, do any of these things other than to brand myself into celebritá? Speaking of which, have you subscribed ? More in need of a vibe check than ever, we must rally against this, good people. We need this dystopian, digital psychological poison more than anything. But how willst we win this war? We may need a bussin’ video set to a grand old concerto that re- ally slaps, to grip the public and inspire a backlash, in order to completely own these damned weasels. Gone are the days of tailored suits and polished shoes; let us bob as if engaged in sticus, and let the bubble words argue for us as we dance. We need views. We need, my friends, followers.

Vol 10. Edition 5

News from CannaTown

Page 11

Scientists discover Bertha outside known universe

Scientists probing the mysteries of deep space have nally determined what lurks beyond the edges of the universe. Out in the cosmos, surpassing the outer limits of expanding space that governs all physics and the three-dimensional existence we share, sits what appears to be a colossal, conjoined Grandma-pair, “Bertha” or “Berthas” as she’s becoming known, who appears to be sitting in a giant rocking chair, calmly knitting for the most part, but sometimes dozing o, or having arguments between herselves about the knitting. “We’re not sure about the signicance of the knitting, but it appears to have some im- pact on universal polarity, or even quantum entanglement,” said CannaTown University physics professor Reshma Gupta. Likewise, some observed quantum behaviors that have long pointed to mysterious particles and an even deeper fabric lurking beyond dark mat- ter, may be not only explained by the pres- ence of the Grandmas, who are large enough to t billions upon billions of galaxies, but also, in that these strange behaviors may be governed by their indecision on yarn type and ongoing arguments over matching color.

“We can’t believe those total chodes Ein- stein and Hawking didn’t even account for the possibility of a conjoined octogenarian,” Gupta added. e Berthas do not seem to be dangerous or threatening in any way, according to eld experts, because they may not entirely be aware that anyone else exists. en again, some argue that what appears to be two grandmas attached at the hip, might not be that at all. One such theory suggests that we are seeing glimpses of an additional Grand- ma spilling in from a converging universe or dimension. e “one grandma” theory also suggests maybe the entities from other dimensions do things like "bake brownies." Gupta conceded the observed Berthas may be knitting the very fabric of space and time together, (“which, if true, would simplify things for all of us,” she said). e abrupt discovery juxtaposed upon a chasm of unanswered and deep questions, has resulted in a variety of profound eects on spiritual and religious communities, with some rejecting the science outright. Others have embraced “Berthology,” and taken up knitting in rocking chairs.

Page 12

Dispatches from the Highlands

$4.20 Cents

Cannatown News

City Awakes to Find Huge Unexplainable Cheez Whiz Boar

BREAKING - A giant 34-foot statue has been erected in the community of Fezziwig, Authorities report, but no one knows how it got there. e monstrosity, sculpted from what appears to be Cheez Whiz, is in the shape of an anatomically-obtuse giant boar. e monu- ment was not

Authorities say they were further perplexed by the somewhat spontaneous parade that ensued at 9:30, complete with at least three marching bands, a few oats, ocial Grand Master and re truck. “We’re not sure where the bands came from and it wasn’t even one of our city re

announced to or by city ocials, who say that the mere size of the pedestal alone suggests a con- struction crew worked through the night. Yet nobody knows who paid for a crew of such magnitude, or who coordi-

trucks” said Hawthorne, adding, “the whole thing took us entirely o- guard.” Residents react- ed with surprise, some pleasantly, some, not so much. While dozens spontane-

ously showed up dressed in

nated what appears to have required nearly 200 volunteers to lay the nal layers of Whiz straight from cans, assuming they were, at minimum, shaping the detailed contours of the hog’s bristled hair with plastic knives and sharp sticks. “When we woke up this morning, there was the statue, greeting the citizens for the morning commute,” said city manager Brenda Hawthorne. “But when it comes right down to it, nobody really led any paperwork to build a statue there, much less 30 feet tall and made of a foul, synthetic cheesy goo.” Yet, it wasn’t so much the strange egy near the townsquare, as the celebration that followed, that was, in all other ways, completely unexplainable. Almost immediately at dawn, a crowd gath- ered around the statue. In addition to novelty photographers, other vendor booths quickly sprung up to hock tshirts and other boar and Cheez Whiz keepsakes, to accommodate the almost immediate stream of sudden tourists descending upon the scene. By 9 a.m., an ex- tensive tent city sprawled for blocks and press vans came pouring in from other suburbs.

full boar costumes and cheered, at least one subset of the crowd--portly men with boxes of crackers--were not happy. "It’s spoiled Whiz, we can't even eat it," one lamented. Although no group has claimed responsibil- ity for the monstrosity, Hawthorne believes investigators will be hot on the trail soon. “We’re assuming it’s some kind of local frat, even maybe a cult that worships Cheez Whiz,” she said. “Or at the very least, someone with steady access to dump trucks of the stu. Seems like that might be an important clue.” According to local historian John Kaiser, an organized group is likely not to blame, other than a random few, energetic and blazed cityfolk. "It’s probably just a couple of people who got ripped on a Saturday and stormed the town center to erect a huge statue from ten metric tons of sprayable-cheddar. It's hap- pened before, long before our time, but this is history repeating itself.” “e question is, what to do with that much lukewarm cheese gravy,” he added, “before the next sunny day covers the whole hill in nacho sludge?”

Vol 10. Edition 5

News from CannaTown

Page 13

Advertisement Section

He's the king of breakfast . Lord of the Pancake House in his own right, waes, bacon, eggs, hash, the works. It's his duty. And that's why, this Father's Day, you got him the all new Eluxtra 2024 Carribean Kush Blunt. Combining a creamy mélange of subtropical tastes with some harsh Kush, and a handful of ditchweed shake, just like he used to roll'em down on the beach near his van, altogether makes the perfect morning roast for his wake and bake. Eluxtra MAKERS OF FINE BLUNTS is Father's Day, let him know how much he, and all the bacon, means to you. Resinville | Noidbury elu x tra  nebluntsfor fat hersdaya ndot herstu .com

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Page 14

Dispatches from the Highlands

$4.20 Cents

Lenker's songwriting prowess. I've previously written that when I saw Big ief live, my mind couldn't shake o the Neil Young vibes pervading Lenker's performance. is album does nothing to dissuade. One can imagine Mr. Young craing a similar set, nestled among those all-acoustic albums that rank as personal favorites in his vast canon. Lenker even matches the Canadian's interest in delity. (For the audiophile nerds, myself included, Bright Future was recorded direct to tape, and for those picking up the LP (side note to my wife who worries about my vinyl addic- tion: I have not purchased this album. Yet.), it's all analogue, AAA, just like Songs/Instrumen- tals. She's also released it in 24-bit quality, for the non-vinyl audiophile nerds who are into that sort of thing; again just like Songs/Instru- mentals.) For a musician with an impressive, prolic past and a sterling present, the future is indeed bright. Nas Illmatic twenty year old who would go on to become one of the best to ever do it: Nasir Jones, aka, Nas. Illmatic is quite possibly the best hip hop album of all time and at worst on that shortlist. Drugs, gangs, violence, and other subject matter common to the genre are also xtures throughout Illmatic , but while much of hip hop has been accused of glorication, Nas paints vivid pictures throughout his narratives of people, places, situations of the life he knew in Queensbridge. For those of us who can never truly understand that reality, Illmatic feels like an authentic peek behind the curtain, granted through the eyes of the young poet; 30 years in, it's worth taking a moment (or 40 minutes) to reect on the landmark beginning of what would become a pantheon career. irty years ago, the world was intro- duced to the dense rhymes and evoca- tive wordplay of a

Album Notes from Erickson “The Soundtrack to your Chill”

Vampire Weekend Only God Was Above Us Vampire Weekend's h album is a summation of their career thus far, a self-reection and at times winking

nod to the band's own past. While all four previous records resound throughout, Only God Was Above Us pulls most clearly from Modern Vampires of the City and Father of the Bride , its two predecessors. Nothing is as instantly catchy as "Diane Young" or " is Life," but Only God instead reaches textured depths previously unexplored. It's also their most mature eort to date and a continued evolution of Ezra Koenig's songwriting. A grower more than a shower, Only God will age well, and when it's all said and done, likely contend with Modern Vampires as the best in their catalogue.

Adrianne Lenker Bright Future Adrianne Lenker comes out meekly on Bright Future , her rst solo album since 2020's Songs/Instru-

mentals . Kicking o with arguably the col- lection's weakest track, the lead singer of Big ief takes her time settling in but establishes early that the Bright Future will not be rushed. e subsequent 11 tunes range from com- pletely inoensive to goddamn beautiful, but the simple arrangements, acoustic guitar plus another instrument or two (some combina- tion of piano/violin/banjo/percussion), allow the songs to breathe, and in doing so amplify

Page 16

Dispatches from the Highlands

$4.20 Cents

"e Cobb Salad is refreshing and the Patty Melt is uniquely delicious."

Vol 10. Edition 5

News from CannaTown

Page 17

Open to the Public 7am to 8pm every day Happy Hour Every day 4-6pm, all-day ursdays Signature Dishes

"Delightful" gourmet quesadillas like the BBQ Pork, Fajita Fiesta, Carne Asada, Sea- food Siesta , and the jalapeño-stued Popper . Sta Favorites Bualo Chicken Quesadilla, Jalepeño Bacon Melt & Rise and Shine Breakfast Bowl Daily Specials Mon Any salad $2.00 O Tue Any sandwich and fries $2.00 O Wed Wing Wednesday $15 urs Any burger and fries $2.00 O Fri Fish Fryday $12 Sat Prime Rib with two sides $24.95 Sun Salmon with two sides $15 From the Owners "You don't have to be golng to come eat! We're locally owned, have amazing views, and make just about everything from scratch. We have something for every taste bud and mood."

Nestled in the pristine Walking Stick Golf Course in Pueblo, What's the Dilla is grill- ing up some master munchies. is relatively new restaurant took over in August 2023 with gourmet quesadillas and spectacular panorama. It's the kind of place to cozy-up whether you're playing a round, or stopping by for a mad happy hour. Check them out! Menu Pubfare, Breakfast, Steak, Burgers, Salads, Soups, Sandwiches, Drinks and Cocktails

Check out a BOGO and other What's the Dilla Coupons on Pg 57!

4301 Walking Stick Blvd. | (719) 553-1187



1. A Cut Above 2. Altitude Organic Medicine, Tejon 3. Altitude Organic Medicine, Academy 4. Altitude Organic Medicine, Platte 5. Grant Pharms, Prairie 6. Grant Pharms, E Cheyenne 7. Lucky Cat 8. Rocky Mountain Blaze 9. Rooted 10. Strawberry Fields, Santa Fe 11. Strawberry Fields, Nature Center 12. Strawberry Fields, I-25 13. The Buzz, Silicon 14. The Buzz, Commercial 15. The Green Source, W Fillmore St 16. The Green Source, 8th St 17. The Green Source, E Platte Ave 18. The Green Source, N Academy Blvd 19. The Green Source, Purcell Blvd 20. Three Rivers Dispensary, Santa Fe 21. Three Rivers Dispensary, Magneto






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24. Medical Alternatives Clinics





26. Heady Hittaz 27. Union Smoke & Vape

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28. What's the Dilla













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Trinidad Golf




Colorado Springs, Pueblo, Trinidad, & Surrounding Areas Find the closest marijuana doctor to you online at DOCTORS Norman W Levin, MD 12 North Main St ......................................................................................... Alma 719-836-1502 Alpha Health Clinic 6035 Erin Park 102....................................................................................... Colorado Springs 719-362-0646 Canna Med Docs 3730 Sinton Rd 219 ..................................................................................... Colorado Springs 720-882-5521 DIANE AL-ABDULJALIL, MD 4740 Flintridge Dr 205 ................................................................................ Colorado Springs 719-445-0383 cannasaver page 31 DOCTORS OF NATURAL MEDICINE 5446 N Academy Blvd 104 ......................................................................... Colorado Springs 719-212-8899 cannasaver page 31 Dr. Clemens 5040 Corporate Plaza 4.......................................................................... Colorado Springs 719-428-3003 Gedde Whole Health Clinic 1526 S Tejon St ............................................................................................ Colorado Springs 719-216-8367 MEDICAL ALTERNATIVES CLINICS 5040 Corporate Plaza Dr 3 ....................................... Colo. Spgs. 719-246-0393 see ad below - cannasaver page 31 RELAXED CLARITY 3133 N. El Paso St. ...................................................................................... Colorado Springs 719-645-5955 cannasaver page 31 SPRINGS MEDCARDS 3225 Templeton Gap Road 215 .................................................................. Colorado Springs 719-314-5178 cannasaver page 31 DOCTORS OF NATURAL MEDICINE 635 W Corona Ave 203 ................................................................................................. Pueblo 719-212-8899 cannasaver page 31 Med Card Associates 1838 Vinewood Lane ............................................................................... Pueblo 719-545-6498 Family Medicine Clinic 100 West 4th St..................................................................................................... Walsenburg 719-738-1164 ALMA - WALSENBURG 19

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Medical Alternatives Clinics

Colorado Springs, Pueblo, Trinidad, & Surrounding Areas Find the closest dispensary to you online at KEY: DISPENSARIES


High Valley Healing 711 W Hwy 285 B US 160 ......................................................................... Alamosa 719-206-3345 La Casa Cannabis II 5986 Budweiser Way ................................................................................ Alamosa 719-589-3503 High Country Healing 2 40 S Main St............................................................................................. Alma 719-836-9000 Northern Standard 513 N Main St .................................................................................................. Alma 719-836-0420 Dispensary 7884 327 Main St .................................................................................................... Antonito 719-206-7884 Green World Express 5230 Hwy 285 ......................................................................................... Antonito 719-206-3265 High Valley Retail Cannabis 307 Main St (Hwy 285) ............................................................... Antonito 719-376-5251 Ascend Cannabis Co 204 E Main St .................................................................................... Buena Vista 719-395-6226 Forage 318 Charles St ...........................................................................................................Buena Vista 719-966-5132 Backstage Grass 117 Greydene Ave .......................................................................................Canon City 719-285-8607 Fremont County Cannabis 1505 Elm Ave ...............................................................................Canon City 719-275-1000 High Octane 8910 I-25 ........................................................................................................Colorado City 719-676-2197 A CUT ABOVE 1150 E Fillmore Street............................................... Colo. Spgs. 719-434-1665 see ad on front inside cover - cannasavers page 33 AGC 2727 Palmer Park Blvd A ......................................................................................Colorado Springs 719-300-7616 ALTITUDE ORGANIC MEDICINE 523 S Tejon Ave......................................................... Colo. Spgs. 719-313-9841 6755 N Academy Blvd .............................................. Colo. Spgs. 719-203-4918 2354 E Platte Ave ...................................................... Colo. Spgs. 719-344-5121 see ad below - cannasavers page 35 Apothecary Farms 3049 Delta Dr .................................................................................................Colorado Springs 719-822-0420 414 Garden of the Gods Rd ..........................................................................Colorado Springs 719-301-1551 Best Budz 3729 Austin Bluffs Pkwy .............................................................................Colorado Springs 719-598-0168 Big Medicine Cannabissary Dispensary 2909 N El Paso St ......................................Colorado Springs 719-418-3854 BioMeds 2301 Rand Ave ...............................................................................................Colorado Springs 719-344-8289 Bobby Brown Best Buds 506 S Nevada Ave ................................................................Colorado Springs 719-645-8058 Briargate Wellness Center 890 Dublin Blvd C .............................................................Colorado Springs 719-598-3510 Buku Loud 3079 S Academy Blvd ................................................................................Colorado Springs 719-391-2858 Cannabicare 1466 Woolsey Heights ............................................................................Colorado Springs 719-573-2262 Cookies 3475 Pine Tree Square ...................................................................................Colorado Springs 719-694-9384 COS Confidential 3044 W Colorado Ave ......................................................................Colorado Springs 719-434-1050 Doctors Orders 2106 E Boulder Street .........................................................................Colorado Springs 719-634-8808 Elevations Dispensary 8270 Razorback Rd ................................................................Colorado Springs 719-468-6337 Emerald City Wellness 621 W Colorado ......................................................................Colorado Springs 719-358-6955 EmJ’s 2918 Wood Ave ...................................................................................................Colorado Springs 719-375-1907 Feel State North 5875 Lehman Dr 100 ........................................................................Colorado Springs 719-264-6337 Feel State South 1004 S Tejon Street ..........................................................................Colorado Springs 719-630-7300 Fountain Organics 5421 Rio Vista Dr 200 ...................................................................Colorado Springs 719-394-8883




Garden of the Budz 3178 W Colorado ..........................................................................................Colorado Springs 719-471-2839 Golden Meds 329 Pikes Peak Ave ................................................................................Colorado Springs 719-630-5075 GRANT PHARMS 320 Prairie Rd ............................................................ Colo. Spgs. 719-387-1633 1591 E Cheyenne Mountain Blvd ............................. Colo. Spgs. 719-387-1634 cannasavers page 37 Green Farms 3629 Galley Rd ........................................................................................Colorado Springs 719-424-7028 Green Pharm 2 4335 N Academy Blvd 100 .................................................................Colorado Springs 719-598-8245 Grim 3031 E Platte Ave .................................................................................................Colorado Springs 719-272-1258 Grow Life 115 E Garden of the Gods Rd .......................................................................Colorado Springs 719-635-1700 Haylow Cannabis Company 1330 Garden of the Gods Rd ........................................................................Colorado Springs 719-368-7987 Headmaster 319 Bonfoy Ave ........................................................................................Colorado Springs 719-694-8000 Healing Canna (Bijou) 3692 E Bijou St .................................................................................Colorado Springs 719-637-7645 (West) 22 S Chesnut St B .............................................................................Colorado Springs 719-559-4180 Herbal Healing 408 E Fillmore St .................................................................................Colorado Springs 719-632-5904 High Hopes 288 S Academy Blvd C ..................................................................................Colorado Springs 719-630-2137 4344 Montebello Dr .......................................................................................Colorado Springs 719-593-7191 High Tops 1022 S Royer St .............................................................................................Colorado Springs 719-473-0279 2306 N Powers Blvd ......................................................................................Colorado Springs 719-597-9333 Kanopya Springs 2545 Platte Pl ...................................................................................Colorado Springs 719-204-3442 Kika Kush 3840 N Nevada Ave .......................................................................................Colorado Springs 719-698-4090 555 N Circle Dr ...............................................................................................Colorado Springs 719-434-1493 Levity Wellness 426 W Fillmore ...................................................................................Colorado Springs 719-266-5463 Living Rose Wellness 212 S 21st St ............................................................................Colorado Springs 719-473-9797 LUCKY CAT CANNABIS 1428 N Circle Dr 2 ..................................................... Colo. Spgs. Coming Soon cannasavers page 39




Lux Leaf 2222 W Colorado Ave ....................................................................................Colorado Springs 719-999-5934 Maggie’s Farm 818 E Fillmore ......................................................................................Colorado Springs 719-358-8849 Magnolia Rd Cannabis Co 2489 S Academy Blvd ......................................................Colorado Springs 719-344-9695 MariMeds 222 E Moreno Ave .......................................................................................Colorado Springs 719-310-4030 Medical Cannabis and Partners 335 N Circle Dr ........................................................Colorado Springs 719-799-0516 Native Roots (Gas and Grass) 3660 Austin Bluffs Pkwy .................................................Colorado Springs 719-528-7143 (Gas and Grass) 1705 W Uintah ..................................................................Colorado Springs 719-375-5512 (Gas and Grass) 1003 N Academy Blvd .....................................................Colorado Springs 719-550-0327 (Gas and Grass) 1433 S Tejon St ................................................................Colorado Springs 719-434-7739 NuVue Pharma 2304 E Platte Avenue .........................................................................Colorado Springs 719-418-3859 Original Cannabis Growers 2625 East Saint Vrain A ..................................................Colorado Springs 719-475-9333 Pure Medical 207 W Rockrimmon Blvd C ...................................................................Colorado Springs 719-264-0800 8025 N Academy Blvd. ..................................................................................Colorado Springs 719-634-7390 Ripple 3615 E Platte Ave Frontage Rd .........................................................................Colorado Springs 719-358-6449 Rocky Mountain Medical 616 Arrawanna Street ........................................................Colorado Springs 719-337-6132 Silver Stem 410 S 8Th Street B ....................................................................................Colorado Springs 719-344-5996 Springs Dispo 2845 Ore Mill Road 6 ...........................................................................Colorado Springs 719-633-8499 Standing Akimbo 510 E Pikes Peak Ave .....................................................................Colorado Springs 719-465-3699 Terps Dispensary 1000 W Fillmore Ave 105 ...............................................................Colorado Springs 719-354-4434 The 64 Store 502 W Colorado Ave ...............................................................................Colorado Springs 719-602-0640 The Apotheke 2582 S Academy Blvd ...........................................................................Colorado Springs 719-392-1616 The Chronic Boutique 325 E Pikes Peaks Ave ............................................................Colorado Springs 719-203-5637 The Epic Remedy 1602 W Colorado Ave ....................................................................................Colorado Springs 719-203-6856 2712 E Fountain Blvd ....................................................................................Colorado Springs 719-434-6565 3995 North Academy Blvd ............................................................................Colorado Springs 719-434-2040 4335 E Platte Ave ..........................................................................................Colorado Springs 719-574-4230 THE GREEN SOURCE 975 West Fillmore Street .......................................... Colo. Spgs. 719-633-1300 318 S 8th St ............................................................... Colo. Spgs. 719-635-9002 2103 East Platte Avenue........................................... Colo. Spgs. 719-302-2032 1216 N Academy Blvd............................................... Colo. Spgs. 719-573-5665 see ad on page 66 - cannasavers page 49 The Herb Shoppe 3020 W Colorado Avenue ...............................................................Colorado Springs 719-634-6337 Third Day Apothecary 4865 N Academy Blvd. B .........................................................Colorado Springs 719-266-6699 Total Green 1105 S Chelton Rd ....................................................................................Colorado Springs 719-821-2161 Trichome Health Consultants 2117 West Colorado Ave ...........................................Colorado Springs 719-635-6337 Vital Cannabis 1675 Jetwing Drive ..............................................................................Colorado Springs 719-375-5799 ZIPZ 3745 Interpark Dr ...................................................... Colo. Spgs. 719-375-5113 cannasavers page 53 Wise Cannabis Co 21950 U.S. 285 ...............................................................................................Fairplay 719-838-2172 Green World 401 4th Ave 610 ...............................................................................................Fort Garland 719-206-2837 Southern Colorado Cannabis Club 29577 CO-159 .............................................................Fort Garland 719-379-4210 Better Green Dispensary 514 Bent Ave ................................................................................Las Animas 719-456-0404 Lucky Monkey Buds 511 Ambassador Thompson Blvd .....................................................Las Animas 719-454-1420 Star Buds 420 Bent Ave .........................................................................................................Las Animas 719-456-9620 Wild Wild Weed 335 6th St .....................................................................................................Las Animas 719-404-3500 Earl’s 115 Harrison Ave ............................................................................................................... Leadville 719-293-2770 Floyd’s Fine Cannabis 1101 Poplar St ....................................................................................... Leadville 719-293-2221 Roots Rx 145 Front St ................................................................................................................ Leadville 719-486-0912 Emerald Fields 27 Manitou Ave .....................................................................................Manitou Springs 719-375-0554 Maggie’s Farm 141 Manitou Ave ...................................................................................Manitou Springs 719-685-1655 1:11 Dispensary 17034 CO-17 ...................................................................................................... Moffat 719-937-7716 High Valley Retail Cannabis 60250 County Road T ..................................................................... Moffat 719-480-7477 Ortiz Cannabis 623 Dunn Deal Drive ............................................................................................. Moffat 786-810-8911 The Sacred Blend 59722 Co Rd T ................................................................................................. Moffat 719-256-0008 Star Buds 611 E 6th St .................................................................................................................. Ordway 719-267-3402 Wild Wild Weed 450 E 1st St ......................................................................................................... Ordway 719-417-1041 Alpine Essentials 850 Commercial Ln A & B ..................................................................... Palmer Lake 719-375-1134 Dead Flowers 855 Hwy 105................................................................................................ Palmer Lake 719-488-9900 Alternative Medical Remedies 1450 L Street ............................................................................ Penrose 719-372-6011 Apothecary Farms 1917 Santa Fe Drive...................................................................................... Pueblo 719-544-5323 Canna Cabinet 2630 W Pueblo Blvd ............................................................................................ Pueblo 719-564-2925 Colorado Cannabis Exchange 3377 Stem Beach ....................................................................... Pueblo 719-430-4035 Cookies 3003 W Northern Ave ...................................................................................................... Pueblo 719-582-1949 Doctor’s Orders - Stem Beach 3321 S I-25.................................................................................. Pueblo 719-733-3434 Harvest Dispensary 875 Crane Ridge Dr ...................................................................................... Pueblo 719-544-0363 LivWell 1239 Southgate Pl ............................................................................................................. Pueblo 719-696-8709 2565 N Interstate 25 ...................................................................................................... Pueblo 719-306-0042 Maggie’s Farm 4803 N Interstate 25 ............................................................................................. Pueblo 719-544-2550




NuVue Pharma 4740 Dillon Dr ..................................................................................................... Pueblo 719-470-7444 1805 Sante Fe Dr E ......................................................................................................... Pueblo 719-621-1796 Star Buds 1405 Santa Fe Dr ........................................................................................................... Pueblo 719-404-3400 4305 Thatcher Ave ......................................................................................................... Pueblo 719-696-8279 Sticky Icky’s 5341 W State Hwy 96 ............................................................................................... Pueblo 719-470-2839 STRAWBERRY FIELDS 4116 Nature Center Rd .................................................... Pueblo 719-502-5956 2285 N Insterstate 25 ...................................................... Pueblo 719-964-4503 see ad on page 30 - cannasavers page 45 The 404 404 N Greenwood St ....................................................................................................... Pueblo 719-696-9769 The Cannabis Depot 2440 N I-25 .................................................................................................. Pueblo 719-283-8017 The Green Solution 1207 Southgate Pl ........................................................................................ Pueblo 719-387-1630 THE GREEN SOURCE 286 S Purcell Blvd ............................................................ Pueblo 719-547-9022 see ad on page 66 - cannasavers page 49 The Spot 420 3504 N Elizabeth St ................................................................................................ Pueblo 719-544-7768 THREE RIVERS DISPENSARY (MED) 1714 Santa Fe Dr ................................................ Pueblo 719-924-8881 (REC) 1714 Santa Fe Dr ................................................. Pueblo 719-696-8678 see ad on cover page - cannasavers page 61 Cannasseur 922 Hailey Ln B .................................................................................................Pueblo West 719-647-8924 DenCo 922 E Kimble Dr........................................................................................................ Pueblo West 719-431-8445 Doctors Orders 749 E Enterprise ..........................................................................................Pueblo West 719-717-0276 ROCKY MOUNTAIN BLAZE 78 N Precision Dr ..................................................... Pueblo West 719-647-0058 see ad below - cannasavers page 41 Star Buds 428 S McCulloch Blvd 2888 ................................................................................Pueblo West 719-547-1009 Steel City Meds 74 N McCulloch Blvd 120 .........................................................................Pueblo West 719-647-5408 Terps Dispensary 38 Silicon Dr ...........................................................................................Pueblo West 719-547-1850 THE BUZZ 67 N Silicon Dr 130................................................... Pueblo West 719-547-8272 cannasavers page 47 The Cannabis Depot 74 Component Dr 130 .......................................................................Pueblo West 719-647-8867 The Dispo 893 E Enterprise Dr ............................................................................................ Pueblo West 719-873-8286 The Spot 420 748 E Industrial Blvd ......................................................................................Pueblo West 719-547-8011 THREE RIVERS DISPENSARY 83 Magneto Dr.......................................................... Pueblo West 719-766-9102 see ad on cover page - cannasavers page 61 Rocky Farms 1709 Swink Ave ............................................................................................... Rocky Ford 719-254-3820 Star Buds 1315 Elm Ave ..........................................................................................................Rocky Ford 719-456-9620 The Station 1701 Elm Ave ..................................................................................................... Rocky Ford 719-383-2080




Elevated Recreations 109 Main Street ......................................................................................... Romeo 719-580-9436 3D - Salida 248 E Rainbow Blvd ..................................................................................................... Salida 719-539-5496 Nature’s Medicine 7595 US-50 B .................................................................................................... Salida 719-207-4212 Pure Greens 7800 Co Rd 152 ......................................................................................................... Salida 719-539-5022 Tenderfoot Health Collective 840 Oak Street............................................................................... Salida 719-539-8661 Beleaf Wellness Center 327 Main Street ....................................................................................San Luis 719-206-3361 La Casa Cannabis 110 Main St 593........................................................................................... San Luis 719-672-4220 Blazing Hippie 123 W Cedar Ave ................................................................................................. Trinidad 719-483-5001 Colorado Cannabis Exchange 520 Nevada Ave ......................................................................... Trinidad 719-422-8098 Could’a Been Dank 510 W Main St .............................................................................................. Trinidad 719-422-8192 Elevate 6010 911 E Main St ......................................................................................................... Trinidad 719-442-8114 Faragosi Farms 118 Santa Fe Trail ............................................................................................. Trinidad 719-846-2310 Freedom Road (at the Brickyard) 2600 Freedom Rd ............................................................... Trinidad 719-967-7001 (on Main) 514 W Main Street ...................................................................................... Trinidad 719-422-8181 Herbal Green Apothecary 251 N Commercial St ....................................................................... Trinidad 719-822-1756 Highland Health 1505 Santa Fe Trail .......................................................................................... Trinidad 719-846-2449 LivWell 124 Santa Fe Trail ............................................................................................................ Trinidad 719-422-8251 Lucky Monkey Buds 137 W Cedar St .......................................................................................... Trinidad 719-422-8112 Magnolia Road Cannabis Co 413 N Commercial St .................................................................. Trinidad 719-356-4380 Main Street Cannabis 401 W Main St ......................................................................................... Trinidad 719-967-1111 Native Roots 3140 Santa Fe Trail ................................................................................................ Trinidad 719-422-8130 NuVue Pharma 1400 Van Buren St ............................................................................................. Trinidad 719-846-2376 Rocky Mountain Cannasol 614 Arizona Ave .............................................................................. Trinidad 719-422-8141 ROOTED 110 Santa Fe Trail........................................................... Trinidad 719-422-8079 see ad on back cover & inside back cover - cannasavers page 43 STRAWBERRY FIELDS 116 Santa Fe Trail........................................................... Trinidad 719-422-8066 see ad on page 30 - cannasavers page 45 SugarLoaf 411 N Commercial St ................................................................................................ Trinidad 719-422-8198 THE BUZZ 417 N Commercial St..................................................... Trinidad 719-422-8261 cannasavers page 47 The Green Solution 409 N Commercial St ................................................................................. Trinidad 303-990-9723 The Underground Station 439 N Commercial St ....................................................................... Trinidad 719-422-8365 TRINIDAD GARDENS 422 N Commercial St..................................................... Trinidad 719-422-8298 see ad on page 5 - cannasavers page 51 Trinidad’s Higher Calling U 1000 Independence Rd ................................................................. Trinidad 719-846-0420 Primo Cannabis 34132 US Highway 285 9500 .....................................................................Villa Grove 719-937-7813 Bud Hut 973 US Hwy 85 100 ................................................................................................. Walsenburg 719-738-2837 C1B True Organics 601 S US Hwy 85 87 .............................................................................. Walsenburg 719-696-4216 Canna City 102 CO-10 A ......................................................................................................... Walsenburg 719-738-2008 Cannaco 25462 US - 160 ........................................................................................................ Walsenburg 719-738-4878 Provisions Dispensary 10232 I-25....................................................................................... Walsenburg 719-738-2062

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