Recommended Set Back

SaskEnergy Incorporated Distribution Pipeline SaskEnergy distribution pipelines operate at pressures of 2 to 250 psig.

The SaskEnergy Regulations require a setback of 1.5 metres. Setback recommendations herein are derived from a probability based risk assessment and reflect the minimum offsets that SaskEnergy would generally recommend. These minimum offsets utilize a probability analysis and are not intended to ensure absolute safety. Within Urban Municipalities, the SaskEnergy pipeline will typically be in the form of a 3.0 meter or 5.0 meter registered easement. Within Rural Municipalities, the SaskEnergy pipeline corridor will typically be in the form of a 10.0 meter unregistered easement. Development within these easements is prohibited other than minor landscaping, with the written approval of SaskEnergy and any other Utility present. Please note that additional temporary working space may be required during installation of the facilities. SaskEnergy may also utilize public right of ways such as road allowances to install pipelines when it is not practical to install these facilities on private property. For these types of installations, an easement is not taken. The SaskEnergy Regulations require a minimum offset or setback of 1.5 meters. The preceding paragraph pertains to the corridor requirements for installation of SaskEnergy distribution mains. In addition to mains, there will be individual pipelines connected to the mains that will terminate at the SaskEnergy meter serving individual customers. These "service" lines are typically within private property but an easement is not obtained - the right to be on the property is granted as a condition of service pursuant to the SaskEnergy Terms and Conditions of Service Schedule. Please note that additional temporary working space may be required during installation of the facilities. For these types of installations, SaskEnergy would require a minimum offset or setback of 1.5 meters from the pipeline to the building, structure, pavement, tree or shrubs. In addition to pipeline corridors, SaskEnergy may require property to install above ground facilities. Typically, these facilities are pressure regulator stations that are required to provide safe and efficient service. The amount of property required for these stations can vary depending on the design of the station. This property is typically purchased by SaskEnergy. In most circumstances, SaskEnergy will be able to identify at the development concept stage if a station site needs to be accounted for. Development within the station property will be prohibited but SaskEnergy will take into consideration such items as landscaping requirements around the perimeter of the property and will meet reasonable architectural requirements for building exterior design. There will be a requirement for pipeline easements in conjunction with a station facility outside of the station property. Construction of buildings or structures over pipelines is prohibited pursuant to Section 36 of The SaskEnergy Act. Pursuant to most SaskEnergy easement agreements, no ground disturbance, pits, wells, foundations, pavement, trees, shrubs or buildings, or other


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