Gorffennol Mini Edition March 2024

Bibliography of Primary Sources

Bale, Joanna, ’Foot -and- Mouth, I’d reach for the shotgun if I thought about it’, The Times, 23 February 2001 https://go.gale.com/ps/retrieve.do?tabID=Newspapers&resultListType=RESULT_LIS T&searchResultsType=SingleTab&retrievalId=8a9ae83c-0455-49d2-8005- 90cdb89f2e39&hitCount=377&searchType=BasicSearchForm&currentPosition=5&do cId=GALE%7CIF0501017821&docType=Article&sort=Pub+Date+Forward+Chron&co ntentSegment=ZTMA- MOD2&prodId=TTDA&pageNum=1&contentSet=GALE%7CIF0501017821&searchId =R1&userGroupName=uows&inPS=true [Accessed on 14 April 2023]

Graham, Caz, Foot, and Mouth: Heart and Soul - A Collection of Personal Accounts of the Foot and Mouth Outbreak in Cumbria 2001, (Carlisle: Small Sistera; 2001)

Mckie, Robin, ‘Foot and mouth 20 years on: what an animal virus epidemic taught UK science’, The Guardian, 21 February 2021, https://www.theguardian.com/science/2021/feb/21/foot-and-mouth-20-years-on-what- an-animal-virus-epidemic-taught-uk-science [Accessed on 12 April 2023] Muckspreader, ‘Not the Foot and Mouth Report’, Private Eye , November 2001, https://www.private-eye.co.uk/special-reports/not-the-foot-and-mouth [Accessed on 17 April 2023] Presented to the Prime Minister and the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, Anderson, Ian, ‘Foot and Mouth Disease 2007: A Review and Lesson Learned, (London: The Stationary Office, 2007) Presented to the Prime Minister and the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, and the devolved administrations in Scotland and Wales, Anderson, Iain, ‘Foot and Mouth Disease 2001: Lessons to be Learned Inquiry Report’ (London: The Stationary Office, 2002) Thomson, Alice, ‘Misty, the family pet who slept by the fire, 'murdered by Maff', The Telegraph, 9 April 2001, https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/1315630/Misty- the-family-pet-who-slept-by-the-fire-murdered-by-Maff.html [Accessed on 17 April 2023] Woods, Abigail, ‘Kill or Cure?’, The Guardian , 28 February 2001, https://www.theguardian.com/society/2001/feb/28/guardiansocietysupplement4 [Accessed on 17 April 2023] (Para 5 of 20) Vidal, John, ‘Foot and mouth leaves deep scars on rural Britain’, The Guardian, 30 August 2001, https://www.theguardian.com/uk/2001/aug/30/footandmouth.johnvidal [Accessed on 17 April 2023] (Para 4 of 11)

Bibliography of Secondary Literature


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