Advertisement poster for the exhibition of Sara Baartment. 7
This characterisation of sexuality between the races was key in making distinctions between British and native women. 8 As Alexander Whitaker, a minister in Virginia wrote in 1613 "They live naked in bodies, as if their shame of their sinne deserved no covering: Their names are as naked as their bodies”. 9 It was these
projections of black sexuality that Sanya Osha has stated characterised colonial
7 Wellcome Collection [online] < > 8 Philippa Levine, ‘What’s British About Gender and Empire? The Problem of Exceptionalism’, Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East, 27.3 (2007), 273-282, pp. 277. 9 Andrea Smith, ‘Not and Indian Tradition: The Sexual Colonisation of Native Peoples’, Hypatia, 18.2 (2003), 70 – 85, pp. 73.
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