Consulting Services Agreement Outdoor Resorts/Palm Springs Owners Association November 25, 2019
BASIC SERVICES (continued)
PHASE TWO - MEMBERSHIP SURVEY McMahon Group will develop, tabulate and interpret a satisfaction survey of the members and spouses of the Association. The services provided are: 1. Conducting a series of five (5) focus group interviews, one with the Board, one with the management and three with member-at-large groups to gather information prior to developing the survey. The focus groups will be selected and scheduled by the Association to be held at the Association over two consecutive days. The meetings will be conducted by McMahon Group personnel. The member-at-large groups should have 15-20 persons in each and include a general cross section of the membership. If additional focus groups beyond the five per this consulting services agreement are requested by the Association, then these will be charged at $1,000 per additional focus group. 2. Following the focus group meetings, a written summary is provided along with the first draft of the survey. After review and approval by the Association, McMahon Group will provide the Association with an electronic link of the survey for the Association to email or upload onto the Association’s website where members and spouses will be able to complete the survey. The Association will also provide a paper survey to those members and spouses who request it along with a postage paid, business reply envelope for anonymous return directly to McMahon Group’s office in St. Louis. 3. The completed surveys will be tabulated and analyzed by McMahon Group into a formal report. The survey report will include: • An Executive Summary; • A question-by-question analysis and interpretation of the results; • A comparison of the Association’s member survey results with the full McMahon survey database; • Data tables broken down by member category, age, gender and tenure, etc.; • Member written comments; and • The survey. 4. A Summary of the Survey Results will be provided for duplication and/or electronic distribution to the Association’s membership. 5. A Consultant’s Letter will be supplied to the Board recommending actions to be taken based on the survey findings. Per this agreement, the McMahon Group will provide the basic services to develop a survey that will be up to 16 pages (8-1/2" x 11") in length. Additional content added to the survey by the Association that extends its length beyond 16 pages will be charged at the rate of an additional $500 per page. If the Association decides to print and mail paper surveys to all members including spouses, then there will be a processing charge of $1.00 per returned survey. This charge only applies if the Association prints and mails out paper surveys to the entire membership.
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