Consulting Services Agreement Outdoor Resorts/Palm Springs Owners Association November 25, 2019
The survey will include a maximum of eight (8) open-ended questions that will provide space for members to offer their written comments and suggestions on a variety of subjects. If, during the survey review process, the Association adds additional open-ended questions that are included in the survey, there will be an additional processing charge of $500 per question. The member comments and suggestions will be transcribed by McMahon and included in the final survey report, separated by question. If the Association requests more specific coding of written responses, then this can be provided as an extra service, the cost of which will vary based on the size of the membership and the anticipated number of written comments to be coded. Membership Survey basic services include the man-hours for two (2) site visits by a McMahon Group consultant, one for the focus groups and the other to explain the results of the survey to the Board. McMahon Group’s fee for Phase Two, Membership Survey, basic services is $28,000. Reimbursable expenses are in addition to the basic fee.
PHASE THREE – STRATEGIC PLANNING REFRESHER FOLLOW-UP After the completion of the membership survey, McMahon Group will meet with the Board and management on the same day as the follow up survey visit in order to finalize the Strategic Plan Refresher. The fee for this visit is included in Phase One services.
PHASE FOUR – DEVELOPMENT OF A FACILITY MASTER PLAN (Must be authorized in advance by client prior to proceeding.) McMahon Group will work with the Association’s Planning Committee and General Manger to develop a facility master plan. This planning will develop facility programming for buildings and site spaces, conceptual floor and site plans, opinions of probable cost and the recommendation of a financially viable facility improvement program for the Board to review and approve. The Association’s golf facilities are not included in this planning work. The Association must provide accurate site and floor plans of the existing facilities for McMahon Group’s use. If these existing plans are not available, McMahon Group can provide the services to develop such plans as an additional service. If the Association does not have an existing conditions report on the HVAC, plumbing, electrical, fire protection and structural system for the Association’s clubhouse and other facilities and if such a report is needed to develop the master plan, the Association will provide such a report. All drawings provided by McMahon Group are schematic and conceptual in nature and are not construction documents.
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