Board Meeting Date:
August 13, 2020
Unfinished X Discussion
Consent Agenda
Executive Session
Agenda Item: Description:
CCVWD Property Consideration of Purchase
Submitted By:
Ed Vitrano, General Manager
Date: August 7, 2020
Background: Several years ago, an agreement was reached regarding a Dog Park at the now defunct Sunniva project. The agreement entailed negotiations with the Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) for access to the planned Park and it was revealed at that time that the current ORPS Main Laundry parking lot, dumpster and dog runs were actually on CVWD property. The GM at the time was tasked to negotiate a purchase and easement agreement with CVWD regarding all of the issues and $95,000 was set aside to accomplish the task. With the collapse of the development of the Dog Park, the issue has remained in limbo. I was recently contacted by a CVWD representative regarding the closing of the deal with a reduction in purchase price to $30,000 for just the parking, dumpster and dog run area, with the acknowledgement that access to the desired area leading originally slated for access to the Dog Park would still be available. Motion(s) for Consideration: To authorize the General Manager to complete any steps to close the purchase of the desired CVWD property in an amount not to exceed $35,000 from Capital Fund. Designated Funding: Capital Fund
Board Action:
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