August 13 2020- Director's Report


Earthquake Hazard:

The subject is not within a defined Alquist-Priolo Fault Zone The subject has not been evaluated by CGS for liquefaction hazards The subject has not been evaluated by CGS for seismic landslide hazards

Flood Hazard:

Unshaded Zone X; Map #06065C1587G; August 28, 2008

Environmental Issues:

None Apparent

Zoning: Taxes:

RR - Resort Residential

$0.00 (2018/2019) According to the Riverside County Treasurer-Tax Collector Office, because this parcel is owned by a secondary government agency, the property is not assessed or billed. The most likely purchaser of the subject is considered to be an owner-developer. The marketing time is estimated to be 1-6 months.

Typical Buyer:

Major Area of Influence:

Cathedral City Land Market


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