August 13 2020- Director's Report


Board Meeting Date:

August 13, 2020

New X Unfinished


Consent Agenda

Executive Session

Agenda Item: Description:

Palm Tree(s) Removal/Replacement

Review & Direction

Submitted By:

Ed Vitrano, General Manager

Date: August 7, 2020

Background: As reported earlier, two Date Palms, the signature trees of the Resort, snapped off in high winds more than a month ago. One was along Ramon Road, and another on the golf course. The breakage occurred at a spot commonly known as a “drought ring” which dates back to the historical maturity of the tree. They, more than likely, had the weakness already when they were planted by the Developer. As I looked into it, I found that more than 60 Date Palms had been removed, mostly on the golf course, several years ago with no instruction to replace them. Due to liability concerns, I asked for a review and rating by Reliable Tree Service, who has historically trimmed/removed trees in the Resort, of the remaining trees on Common Area. As you can see by the attached document, 22 trees were deemed to be “priority” for removal. I then asked Vintage Landscape for a second opinion and they confirmed the priority status. The current cost to remove and replace is $2,200 each (not the $1,500 I reported verbally). If all 22 were removed and replaced, some $45,000 will be needed. That does not include replacement cost for trees, particularly along Ramon Road and other prominent spots, which were removed in the past and not replaced. Upon examining possible funding, I found that $25,000 exists in this year’s Reserve fund for Tree Replacement and $115,000 has been set aside for Tree Maintenance, for a total of $140,000. I would recommend that the Board authorize up to $75,000 for removal and replacement of current priority Date Palms and placement of trees in prominent locations which were not placed when originally removed, such as along Ramon Road and Common Area corners. Motion(s) for Consideration: To approve an expenditure, not exceed $75,000 from Reserves, to remove and replace 22 compromised Date Palm trees on Common Area as well as others not replaced in the past as determined by management, and award the work to Reliable Tree Service. Designated Funding: Reserve Fund

Board Action:

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