August 13 2020- Director's Report


Board Meeting Date:

August 13, 2020

New Unfinished

Discussion X Consent Agenda

Executive Session

Agenda Item: Description:

Amazon Locker

Cost & Location for Alternative Package Delivery

Submitted By:

Kristine Gonzalez, Controller

Date: August 7, 2020

Background: It has been suggested that alternative methods to staff time be investigated regarding package handling/delivery. With Amazon and online shopping at an all time high a significant increase in the number of packages received in the mailroom over the years has been realized. With the current pandemic condition, we have been researching some alternatives to keep the staff and community safe. This idea was suggested by an Owner who has used the Amazon Hub at multiple locations throughout the state with ease. Implementing Amazon lockers would provide 24/7 access to packages allowing homeowners to pick up at their convenience. With the current hours of the mailroom, pick up hours are very limited. This would also eliminate the crowding that can happen during window hours. With current guidelines and social distancing, we foresee pickup becoming cumbersome on owners as well as renters. Amazon Lockers is perhaps the best solution for ORPS to not only keep residents safe, but also as an amenity. I have spoke with an Amazon Locker representative and they have been given detailed information about ORPS. They have made their recommendations and informed us of their requirements, as you can see in the accompanying backup. Overall ORPS has met most of the requirements for implementation. Package volume can vary significantly from season to off season. During peak season we can receive up to 120 packages daily. During off season we see about 10-15 packages come through daily. They have recommended the 15ft. locker which can be placed inside or outside. The attached document will give you exact specification on dimensions and overall look. There are a couple of locations we have in mind for the Amazon Lockers. The first location choice would be along the wall outside of the GM’s office. This would allow 24/7 access and within sight of security for added ease. The outdoor 15ft. Amazon Lockers is $20,500 with 91 total compartments. The second location of choice is the current space occupied by a real estate agent located in the LP clubhouse. One of the requirements is that the Amazon Locker be within 300 feet of the current USPS delivery location. An indoor Amazon Locker 15 ft. cost is $17,000. With the lockers being located indoor this would only be accessible while the clubhouse is open and install time 10-14 weeks from signing the 5-year lease. The total cost of the Amazon Lockers is a one-time cost. This means no ongoing cost associated with Amazon Lockers. Much of the mailroom staff time is spent sorting and logging packages. This would eliminate the need to sort and log possibly eliminating the need for one staff member. Based on the current prices of the lockers return on investment would be 2 years. Motion(s) for Consideration: To approve an expenditure in the amount not to exceed $20,500, from the Development Fund, to implement Amazon Lockers. Designated Funding: Development Fund

Board Action:

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